Additional checks to find non-existant files

- runs (may have bugs)
This commit is contained in:
towards-a-new-leftypol 2024-01-21 21:58:27 -05:00
parent 29c8f4eedb
commit 7265bc871b
4 changed files with 106 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -360,6 +360,7 @@ GRANT usage, select ON SEQUENCE sites_site_id_seq TO chan_archiver;
GRANT usage, select ON SEQUENCE boards_board_id_seq TO chan_archiver;
GRANT usage, select ON SEQUENCE threads_thread_id_seq TO chan_archiver;
GRANT usage, select ON SEQUENCE posts_post_id_seq TO chan_archiver;
GRANT usage, select ON SEQUENCE attachments_attachment_id_seq TO chan_archiver;
GRANT chan_archiver TO admin;

View File

@ -17,16 +17,15 @@ data Dimension = Dimension
} deriving (Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)
data Paths = Paths
{ file_path :: Text
, thumbnail_path :: Text
{ file_path :: FilePath
, thumbnail_path :: FilePath
} deriving (Show)
data Attachment = Attachment
{ attachment_id :: Maybe Int64
, mimetype :: Text
{ mimetype :: Text
, creation_time :: UTCTime
, sha256_hash :: Text
, phash :: Int64
, phash :: Maybe Int64
, illegal :: Bool
, post_id :: Int64
, resolution :: Maybe Dimension

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
import Network.Mime (defaultMimeLookup, defaultMimeType)
import PerceptualHash (fileHash)
@ -237,11 +238,10 @@ setPostIdInPosts post_pairs ids = map f ids
fileToAttachment :: Posts.Post -> JS.File -> At.Attachment
fileToAttachment post file =
{ At.attachment_id = Nothing
, At.mimetype = maybe "undefined/undefined" id (JS.mime file)
{ At.mimetype = maybe "undefined/undefined" id (JS.mime file)
, At.creation_time = Posts.creation_time post
, At.sha256_hash = undefined
, At.phash = undefined
, At.phash = Nothing
, At.illegal = False
, At.post_id = fromJust $ Posts.post_id post
, At.resolution = dim
@ -257,6 +257,14 @@ getMimeType :: Text -> Text
getMimeType ext = decodeUtf8 $ defaultMimeLookup ext
phash_mimetypes :: Set.Set Text
phash_mimetypes = Set.fromList
[ "image/jpeg"
, "image/png"
, "image/gif"
processFiles :: JSONSettings -> [(JSONPosts.Post, Posts.Post)] -> IO ()
processFiles settings post_pairs = do -- perfect just means that our posts have ids, they're already inserted into the db
existing_attachments_result <- Client.getAttachments settings (map (fromJust . Posts.post_id . snd) post_pairs)
@ -269,51 +277,73 @@ processFiles settings post_pairs = do -- perfect just means that our posts have
let map_existing :: Map.Map Int64 [ At.Attachment ] =
foldl (insertRecord At.post_id) Map.empty existing_attachments
-- have things like sha256 already
-- how do we know that a `elem` attachments_on_board and a `elem` existing_attachments
-- can group existing_attachments into `map_existing :: Map post_id -> Set Attachment`
-- same with attachments_on_board into `map_should_exist :: Map post_id -> Set Attachment`
-- then run through the keys and compare size of the sets
let attachments_on_board :: [(At.Paths, At.Attachment)] =
concatMap parseAttachments post_pairs
let map_should_exist :: Map.Map Int64 [(At.Paths, At.Attachment)] =
foldl (insertRecord (At.post_id . snd)) Map.empty attachments_on_board
-- basically we have a map of the post_id to attachments for that post_id
-- compare the number of attachments under each post_id in the map
-- assembled from the API with the map assembled from data in the db.
-- if the number of files differ, then likely there are new attachments.
-- This isn't fool-proof (there are probably weird cases where the
-- number of files for a post is the same but the files themselves
-- are different) but it's a quicker way of seeing which attachments
-- need to be saved than finding the sha256 hash of every single existing
-- file.
let to_insert_map = Map.filterWithKey (compareAttMaps map_existing) map_should_exist
let to_insert = foldr (++) [] $ Map.elems to_insert_map
have_hash <- mapM computeAttachmentHash to_insert
to_insert_exist <- filterM attachmentFileExists to_insert
with_hashes <- mapM computeAttachmentHash to_insert_exist
let existing_hashes :: Set.Set Text =
Set.fromList $ map At.sha256_hash existing_attachments
let to_insert_ = filter ((`Set.notMember` existing_hashes) . At.sha256_hash) have_hash
let to_insert_ = filter ((`Set.notMember` existing_hashes) . At.sha256_hash) with_hashes
_ <- Client.postAttachments settings to_insert_
attachments_result <- Client.postAttachments settings to_insert_
-- TODO: Concat all values in to_insert_map and
-- go ahead and compute sha256 and phashes on them.
-- ensure that the sha256 in to_insert_map is not in map_existing
case attachments_result of
Left err -> do
putStrLn $ "Error posting attachments: " ++ show err
return ()
Right saved -> do
putStrLn $ "Saved " ++ (show $ length saved) ++ " attachments!"
attachmentFileExists :: (At.Paths, At.Attachment) -> IO Bool
attachmentFileExists (p, _) = doesFileExist (At.file_path p)
computeAttachmentHash :: (At.Paths, At.Attachment) -> IO At.Attachment
computeAttachmentHash (p, q) = do
let f = backup_read_root settings <> "/" <> unpack (At.file_path p)
let f = At.file_path p
putStrLn $ "Reading " ++ f
-- putStrLn $ show p
-- putStrLn $ show (q { At.sha256_hash = "undefined" })
sha256_sum <- Hash.computeSHA256 f
either_phash <- fileHash f
putStrLn $ "SHA-256: " ++ unpack sha256_sum
phash :: Int64 <- case either_phash of
Left err_str -> do
putStrLn $ "Failed to compute phash for file " ++ (unpack sha256_sum) ++ " " ++ f ++ " " ++ err_str
return (-1)
Right phash_w -> return $ Words.wordToSignedInt64 phash_w
phash :: Maybe Int64 <-
case (At.mimetype q) `Set.member` phash_mimetypes of
True -> do
either_phash <- fileHash f
case either_phash of
Left err_str -> do
putStrLn $ "Failed to compute phash for file " ++ (unpack sha256_sum) ++ " " ++ f ++ " " ++ err_str
return Nothing
Right phash_w -> do
putStrLn $ "phash: " ++ show phash_w
return $ Just $ Words.wordToSignedInt64 phash_w
False -> return Nothing
return q
@ -329,16 +359,26 @@ processFiles settings post_pairs = do -- perfect just means that our posts have
let board = JSONPosts.board post
let file_path = board <> "/src/" <> tim <> ext
let thumbnail_path = board <> "/thumb/" <> tim <> ext
let file_path = withPathPrefix $ board <> "/src/" <> tim <> ext
let thumbnail_path = withPathPrefix $ board <> "/thumb/" <> tim <> ext
Just $ At.Paths file_path thumbnail_path
notDeleted :: (At.Paths, At.Attachment) -> Bool
notDeleted (p, _) = not $ "deleted" `isSuffixOf` (At.file_path p)
withPathPrefix :: Text -> FilePath
withPathPrefix = ((<>) $ backup_read_root settings) . unpack
parseAttachments :: (JSONPosts.Post, Posts.Post) -> [(At.Paths, At.Attachment)]
parseAttachments (p, q) =
parseAttachments (p, q) = filter notDeleted $
case JSONPosts.files p of
Just files -> map (\x -> (At.Paths (JS.file_path x) (JS.thumb_path x), fileToAttachment q x)) files
Just files -> map (\x ->
( At.Paths (withPathPrefix $ JS.file_path x) (withPathPrefix $ JS.thumb_path x)
, fileToAttachment q x)
) files
Nothing ->
case parseLegacyPaths p of
Nothing -> []
@ -349,11 +389,10 @@ processFiles settings post_pairs = do -- perfect just means that our posts have
( paths
, At.Attachment
{ At.attachment_id = Nothing
, At.mimetype = mime
{ At.mimetype = mime
, At.creation_time = Posts.creation_time q
, At.sha256_hash = undefined
, At.phash = undefined
, At.phash = Nothing
, At.illegal = False
, At.post_id = fromJust $ Posts.post_id q
, At.resolution = dim

View File

@ -17,13 +17,16 @@ module DataClient
, postAttachments
) where
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Either (lefts, rights)
import Network.HTTP.Simple hiding (httpLbs)
import Network.HTTP.Client
( newManager
, managerSetMaxHeaderLength
, httpLbs
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL
import Network.HTTP.Client.Conduit (defaultManagerSettings)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LC8
@ -185,20 +188,43 @@ getThreads settings board_id board_thread_ids =
ids :: String = intercalate "," $ map show board_thread_ids
getAttachments :: T.JSONSettings -> [ Int64 ] -> IO (Either HttpError [ Attachments.Attachment ])
getAttachments settings post_ids =
-- | Splits a list into chunks of a given size.
chunkList :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunkList _ [] = []
chunkList n xs = let (chunk, rest) = splitAt n xs in chunk : chunkList n rest
getAttachments :: T.JSONSettings -> [Int64] -> IO (Either HttpError [Attachments.Attachment])
getAttachments settings post_ids = do
results <- forM (chunkList chunkSize post_ids) (getAttachmentsChunk settings)
return $ combineResults results
chunkSize = 1000
-- | Combines the results, prioritizing errors.
combineResults :: [Either e [b]] -> Either e [b]
combineResults results =
case lefts results of
[] -> Right (concat (rights results))
(err:_) -> Left err
-- | Function to handle each chunk.
getAttachmentsChunk :: T.JSONSettings -> [Int64] -> IO (Either HttpError [Attachments.Attachment])
getAttachmentsChunk settings chunk =
get settings path >>= return . eitherDecodeResponse
path :: String = "/attachments?post_id=in.(" ++ hashes ++ ")"
hashes :: String = intercalate "," $ (map show post_ids)
path = "/attachments?post_id=in.(" ++ intercalate "," (map show chunk) ++ ")"
:: T.JSONSettings
-> [ Attachments.Attachment ]
-> IO (Either HttpError [ Attachments.Attachment ])
postAttachments settings attachments =
postAttachments settings attachments = do
BL.putStrLn payload
post settings "/attachments" payload True >>= return . eitherDecodeResponse