WIP: Saving attachments - refactor procedural stuff into own method for processing files

This commit is contained in:
towards-a-new-leftypol 2024-01-18 14:37:32 -05:00
parent d48e6e4fe3
commit a78464fa81
2 changed files with 61 additions and 43 deletions

View File

@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ executable chan-delorean
-- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
-- other-extensions:

View File

@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ concatMapM op = foldr f (pure [])
pure $ x_ ++ xs_
setPostIdInPosts :: [ (JSONPosts.Post, Posts.Post) ] -> [ Client.PostId ] -> [ (JSONPosts.Post, Posts.Post) ]
setPostIdInPosts :: [(JSONPosts.Post, Posts.Post)] -> [ Client.PostId ] -> [(JSONPosts.Post, Posts.Post)]
setPostIdInPosts post_pairs ids = map f ids
post_map :: Map.Map (Int64, Int64) (JSONPosts.Post, Posts.Post)
@ -240,6 +240,58 @@ fileToAttachment post file =
, Attachments.post_id = fromJust $ Posts.post_id post
processFiles :: JSONSettings -> [(JSONPosts.Post, Posts.Post)] -> IO ()
processFiles settings post_pairs = do -- perfect just means that our posts have ids, they're already inserted into the db
existing_attachments_result <- Client.getAttachments settings (map (fromJust . Posts.post_id . snd) post_pairs)
case existing_attachments_result of
Left err -> do
putStrLn $ "Error fetching boards: " ++ show err
Right existing_attachments -> do
let map_existing :: Map.Map Int64 [ Attachments.Attachment ] =
foldl (insertRecord Attachments.post_id) Map.empty existing_attachments
-- have things like sha256 already
-- how do we know that a `elem` attachments_on_board and a `elem` existing_attachments
-- can group existing_attachments into `map_existing :: Map post_id -> Set Attachment`
-- same with attachments_on_board into `map_should_exist :: Map post_id -> Set Attachment`
-- then run through the keys and compare size of the sets
let attachments_on_board :: [(JS.File, Attachments.Attachment)] = concatMap
(\(p, q) -> map (\x -> (x, fileToAttachment q x)) (maybe [] id $ JSONPosts.files p))
let map_should_exist :: Map.Map Int64 [(JS.File, Attachments.Attachment)] =
foldl (insertRecord (Attachments.post_id . snd)) Map.empty attachments_on_board
let to_insert_map = Map.filterWithKey (compareAttMaps map_existing) map_should_exist
-- TODO: Concat all values in to_insert_map and
-- go ahead and compute sha256 and phashes on them.
return ()
:: Ord a
=> (b -> a)
-> Map.Map a [b]
-> b
-> Map.Map a [b]
insertRecord getKey accMap x =
let pid = getKey x
l = Map.findWithDefault [] pid accMap
in Map.insert pid (x : l) accMap
:: Map.Map Int64 [ Attachments.Attachment ]
-> Int64
-> [(JS.File, Attachments.Attachment)]
-> Bool
compareAttMaps existing k v
= (maybe (-1) length (Map.lookup k existing)) /= length v
processBoard :: JSONSettings -> Boards.Board -> IO ()
processBoard settings board = do
@ -260,62 +312,27 @@ processBoard settings board = do
( \(t, posts) -> map (\p -> (p, apiPostToArchivePost t p)) posts )
-- putStrLn $ "Number of posts on /" ++ (Boards.pathpart board) ++ "/ " ++ (show $ length all_posts_on_board)
posts_result <- Client.postPosts settings (map snd post_pairs)
-- TODO: why doesn't it insert posts for threads that already exist? we can have new posts!
case posts_result of
Left err -> print err
Right (new_ids :: [ Client.PostId ]) -> do
let perfect_post_pairs = setPostIdInPosts post_pairs new_ids
existingAttachments <- Client.getAttachments settings (map (fromJust . Posts.post_id . snd) perfect_post_pairs)
let attachments_on_board = concatMap
(\(p, q) -> map (fileToAttachment q) (maybe [] id $ JSONPosts.files p))
-- need to get all the attachments in attachments_on_board that are not in existingAttachments
-- must call
-- Client.postAttachments settings (all_attachments_on_board :: [ Attachments.Attachment ])
-- so we need [ Attachments.Attachment ]
-- JSONCommonTypes.File are properties of JSONPost.Post records.
-- - So need f :: Posts.Post -> JSONCommonTypes.File -> IO [ Attachments.Attachment ]
-- - f also does the sha256 calculation
-- need all JSONPost.Posts
putStrLn "Sum of post_ids:"
print $ sum $ map Client.post_id new_ids
putStrLn "Sum of board_post_ids:"
print $ sum $ map Client.board_post_id new_ids
-- max: 18,645
-- min: 147
-- total: 191,628
-- f :: Threads.Thread -> [ Posts.Post ]
-- for each thread we have to call a function that
-- - reads the thread under the board directory:
-- - t = backupDir </> "res' </> ((show $ no thread) ++ ".json")
-- do we want an ensurethreads?
-- - then for each thread, grab the posts from json and see if they exist
-- - this might have to be done 350 times per board
-- So we need a function (Threads.Thread, [ Posts.Post ]) -> ??? [ new Post type? ]
-- - why?
-- - well because the new post type will have a thread_id, which is known to be unique
-- - so we need to query the db for this same (thread_id (from Thread), no (from Post))
return ()
let perfect_post_pairs = setPostIdInPosts post_pairs new_ids
processFiles settings perfect_post_pairs
Left errMsg ->
putStrLn $ "Failed to parse the JSON file in directory: "
++ (Boards.pathpart board) ++ ". Error: " ++ errMsg
backupDir :: FilePath
backupDir = backup_read_root settings </> (Boards.pathpart board)
backupDir :: FilePath
backupDir = backup_read_root settings </> (Boards.pathpart board)
processBackupDirectory :: JSONSettings -> IO ()