commit new search function to initialize, update comment

This commit is contained in:
towards-a-new-leftypol 2024-03-01 19:28:57 -05:00
parent c1a59dc4a6
commit db6f168c2f
1 changed files with 65 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ RETURNS SETOF catalog_grid_result AS $$
attachments.thumb_extension as file_thumb_extension
FROM op_posts
-- JOIN post_counts ON op_posts.thread_id = post_counts.thread_id
-- JOIN post_counts ON op_posts.thread_id = post_counts.thread_idh
JOIN threads ON op_posts.thread_id = threads.thread_id
JOIN boards ON threads.board_id = boards.board_id
JOIN sites ON sites.site_id = boards.site_id
@ -303,24 +303,29 @@ $$ LANGUAGE sql;
-- Function: search_posts
-- This function performs a full-text search on the `posts` table using PostgreSQL's text search features.
-- It takes a single argument `search_text`, which represents the text to search for within the `posts` body content.
-- The function is designed to return rows from the `posts` table where the `body_search_index` tsvector column matches
-- the websearch to tsquery conversion of the input `search_text`. Results are ranked by their relevance to the search
-- text, with the most relevant posts appearing first.
-- The function is designed to join the `posts` table with `threads`, `boards`, `sites`, and `attachments` tables to enrich
-- the search results with additional context such as thread information, board pathpart, site name, and attachment details.
-- Results are ranked by their relevance to the search text, with the most relevant posts appearing first.
-- The function uses the `websearch_to_tsquery` function for parsing the provided search text into a tsquery object
-- using the 'english' configuration. It then ranks the results using the `ts_rank` function based on the match
-- between the `body_search_index` column and the tsquery object, ordering the posts from most to least relevant.
-- Note that the `relevance` score is used only for ordering the results; it is not included in the function's return set.
-- between the `body_search_index` column and the tsquery object, adjusting the rank by the age of the post to prefer newer posts.
-- Results are ordered from most to least relevant based on this computed relevance.
-- Note that the `relevance` score is computed for ranking purposes but is not included in the function's return set.
-- The function returns a rich set of information for each matching post, including details from related tables to provide
-- a comprehensive view suitable for displaying a catalog grid of search results.
-- Parameters:
-- - search_text: TEXT, the text to be searched in the `posts` body.
-- Returns:
-- - A SETOF rows from the `posts` table ordered by the relevance of the full-text search.
-- - A SETOF rows combining data from `posts`, `threads`, `boards`, `sites`, and `attachments` tables, ordered by
-- the relevance of the full-text search. Each row includes post details along with thread, board, site, and attachment
-- information to provide a full context for each search result.
-- Usage:
-- SELECT * FROM search_posts('Desired search text');
@ -332,22 +337,55 @@ $$ LANGUAGE sql;
-- -- To search for posts related to 'quantum computing':
-- SELECT * FROM search_posts('quantum computing');
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search_posts(search_text text)
post posts,
pathpart text,
board_thread_id bigint,
relevance double precision
) AS $$
WITH query AS (
SELECT websearch_to_tsquery('english', search_text) AS query
SELECT p::posts AS post, pathpart, board_thread_id,
ts_rank(p.body_search_index, query.query)
/ (1 + EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM AGE(p.creation_time)) / (3600 * 24)) AS relevance
FROM posts p JOIN threads ON threads.thread_id = p.thread_id JOIN boards ON boards.board_id = threads.board_id, query
WHERE p.body_search_index @@ query.query
ORDER BY relevance
RETURNS SETOF catalog_grid_result AS $$
query AS (
SELECT websearch_to_tsquery('english', search_text) AS query
result_set AS (
pathpart, AS site_name,
attachments.mimetype as file_mimetype,
attachments.illegal as file_illegal,
-- attachments.resolution as file_resolution,
attachments.board_filename as file_name,
attachments.thumb_extension as file_thumb_extension,
ts_rank(p.body_search_index, query.query)
/ (1 + EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM AGE(p.creation_time)) / (3600 * 24)) AS relevance
FROM posts p
JOIN threads ON threads.thread_id = p.thread_id
JOIN boards ON boards.board_id = threads.board_id
JOIN sites ON sites.site_id = boards.site_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN attachments
ON attachments.post_id = p.post_id
AND attachments.attachment_idx = 1
, query
WHERE p.body_search_index @@ query.query
0 AS estimated_post_count,
result_set.creation_time AS bump_time,
FROM result_set
ORDER BY result_set.relevance DESC;