BEGIN TRANSACTION; DROP TYPE IF EXISTS catalog_grid_result CASCADE; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS fetch_catalog; -- OLD: 121ms CREATE TYPE catalog_grid_result AS ( -- post_count bigint, estimated_post_count bigint, post_id bigint, board_post_id bigint, creation_time timestamptz, bump_time timestamptz, body text, subject text, thread_id bigint, embed text, board_thread_id bigint, pathpart text, site_name text, file_mimetype text, file_illegal boolean, -- file_resolution dimension, file_name text, file_extension text, file_thumb_extension text ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fetch_catalog(max_time timestamptz, max_row_read int DEFAULT 10000) RETURNS SETOF catalog_grid_result AS $$ WITH top AS ( SELECT * FROM fetch_top_threads(max_time, max_row_read) AS top ), tall_posts AS ( SELECT top.post_count AS estimated_post_count, posts.post_id, posts.board_post_id, posts.creation_time, top.bump_time, posts.body, posts.subject, posts.thread_id, posts.embed FROM top JOIN posts ON top.thread_id = posts.thread_id AND posts.local_idx = 1 WHERE creation_time < max_time ) SELECT -- post_counts.post_count, tall_posts.*, threads.board_thread_id, -- this should be part of the url path when creating links, not thread_id (that's internal) boards.pathpart, sites."name", -- sites.site_id, attachments.mimetype AS file_mimetype, attachments.illegal AS file_illegal, -- attachments.resolution AS file_resolution, attachments.board_filename AS file_name, attachments.file_extension, attachments.thumb_extension AS file_thumb_extension FROM tall_posts JOIN threads ON tall_posts.thread_id = threads.thread_id JOIN boards ON threads.board_id = boards.board_id JOIN sites ON sites.site_id = boards.site_id LEFT OUTER JOIN attachments ON attachments.post_id = tall_posts.post_id AND attachments.attachment_idx = 1 ORDER BY bump_time DESC; $$ LANGUAGE sql; REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fetch_catalog FROM PUBLIC; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fetch_catalog TO chan_archive_anon; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fetch_catalog TO chan_archiver; -- ROLLBACK; COMMIT;