BEGIN TRANSACTION; -- -- CREATE EXTENSION bktree; -- only superuser can -- Check whether any of our opclasses fail amvalidate SELECT amname, opcname FROM pg_opclass opc LEFT JOIN pg_am am ON am.oid = opcmethod WHERE opc.oid >= 16384 AND NOT amvalidate(opc.oid); -- DROP TYPE IF EXISTS dimension CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sites CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS boards CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS threads CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS posts CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS attachments CASCADE; DROP TYPE IF EXISTS catalog_grid_result CASCADE; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS update_post_body_search_index; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS fetch_top_threads; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS fetch_catalog; -- It won't let us drop roles otherwise and the IFs are to keep this script idempotent. DO $$BEGIN IF EXISTS (SELECT FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = 'chan_archiver') THEN EXECUTE 'REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE chan_archives FROM chan_archiver'; END IF; IF EXISTS (SELECT FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = 'chan_archive_anon') THEN EXECUTE 'REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE chan_archives FROM chan_archive_anon'; END IF; END$$; DROP ROLE IF EXISTS chan_archiver; DROP ROLE IF EXISTS chan_archive_anon; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sites ( site_id serial primary key , name text NOT NULL UNIQUE , url text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS boards ( board_id serial primary key , name text , pathpart text NOT NULL -- if it's /a/ then the pathpart is a , site_id int NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT site_fk FOREIGN KEY (site_id) REFERENCES sites (site_id) ON DELETE CASCADE , CONSTRAINT unique_site_board_id_constraint UNIQUE (site_id, pathpart) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS threads ( thread_id bigserial primary key , board_thread_id bigint NOT NULL -- this is the id of the thread in lainchan, mysql , creation_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL , board_id int NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT board_fk FOREIGN KEY (board_id) REFERENCES boards (board_id) ON DELETE CASCADE , CONSTRAINT unique_board_board_thread_id_constraint UNIQUE (board_id, board_thread_id) ); CREATE INDEX threads_creation_time_idx ON threads (creation_time); CREATE INDEX threads_board_id_idx ON threads (board_id); CREATE INDEX threads_board_thread_id_idx ON threads (board_thread_id); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS posts ( post_id bigserial primary key , board_post_id bigint NOT NULL , creation_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL , body text , subject text , name text , email text , body_search_index tsvector , thread_id bigint NOT NULL , embed text , local_idx int NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT unique_thread_board_id_constraint UNIQUE (thread_id, board_post_id) , CONSTRAINT thread_fk FOREIGN KEY (thread_id) REFERENCES threads (thread_id) ON DELETE CASCADE , CONSTRAINT unique_thread_local_idx UNIQUE (thread_id, local_idx) ); CREATE INDEX posts_creation_time_idx ON posts (creation_time); CREATE INDEX posts_body_search_idx ON posts USING GIN (body_search_index); CREATE INDEX posts_thread_id_idx ON posts (thread_id); CREATE INDEX posts_board_post_id_idx ON posts (board_post_id); CREATE INDEX posts_thread_id_creation_time_idx ON posts (creation_time, thread_id); CREATE INDEX posts_local_idx_idx ON posts (local_idx); --CREATE INDEX posts_thread_id_board_post_id_idx ON posts (thread_id, board_post_id); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_post_body_search_index() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN NEW.body_search_index := ( setweight(to_tsvector('english', COALESCE(NEW.subject, '')), 'A') || setweight(to_tsvector('english', COALESCE(, '')), 'B') || setweight(to_tsvector('english', COALESCE(NEW.body, '')), 'C') ); RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- WARNING: maybe disable this before doing full table operations on the posts table, -- like populating a new column, since this will cause it to rebuild the entire text search index CREATE TRIGGER trigger_update_post_body_search_index BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON posts FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION update_post_body_search_index(); CREATE TYPE dimension AS ( width int , height int ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS attachments ( attachment_id bigserial primary key , mimetype text NOT NULL , creation_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL , sha256_hash text NOT NULL , phash bigint , illegal boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false , post_id bigint NOT NULL , resolution dimension , file_extension text , thumb_extension text , original_filename text , board_filename text NOT NULL , spoiler boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true , file_size_bytes int , attachment_idx int NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT post_fk FOREIGN KEY (post_id) REFERENCES posts (post_id) ON DELETE CASCADE , CONSTRAINT unique_post_attachment_idx UNIQUE (post_id, attachment_idx) ); CREATE INDEX attachments_creation_time_idx ON attachments (creation_time); CREATE INDEX attachments_post_id_idx ON attachments (post_id); CREATE INDEX attachments_sha256_hash_idx ON attachments (sha256_hash); CREATE INDEX attachments_attachment_idx_idx ON attachments (attachment_idx); -- Index using the bktree extension for quickly getting the closest phashes CREATE INDEX attachments_phash_bktree_index ON attachments USING spgist (phash bktree_ops); /* * Function Definitions */ /* CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insert_posts_and_return_ids(new_posts posts[]) RETURNS TABLE (post_id bigint, board_post_id bigint) AS $$ WITH inserted AS ( INSERT INTO posts (board_post_id, creation_time, body, thread_id) SELECT np.board_post_id, np.creation_time, np.body, np.thread_id FROM unnest(new_posts) AS np ON CONFLICT (thread_id, board_post_id) DO NOTHING RETURNING post_id, board_post_id ), selected AS ( SELECT post_id, board_post_id FROM posts WHERE (thread_id, board_post_id) IN (SELECT thread_id, board_post_id FROM unnest(new_posts)) ) SELECT * FROM inserted UNION ALL SELECT * FROM selected WHERE (post_id, board_post_id) NOT IN (SELECT post_id, board_post_id FROM inserted); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- 3m37s for clean db -- 1m34s for full db (nothing inserted) */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insert_posts_and_return_ids(new_posts posts[]) RETURNS TABLE (post_id bigint, board_post_id bigint, thread_id bigint) AS $$ WITH selected AS ( SELECT post_id, board_post_id, thread_id FROM posts WHERE (thread_id, board_post_id) IN (SELECT thread_id, board_post_id FROM unnest(new_posts)) ), to_insert AS ( SELECT np.* FROM unnest(new_posts) AS np LEFT OUTER JOIN selected s ON np.thread_id = s.thread_id AND np.board_post_id = s.board_post_id WHERE s.post_id IS NULL ), inserted AS ( INSERT INTO posts (board_post_id, creation_time, body, subject, name, email, thread_id) SELECT board_post_id, creation_time, body, subject, name, email, thread_id FROM to_insert RETURNING post_id, board_post_id, thread_id ) SELECT * FROM inserted UNION ALL SELECT * FROM selected; $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- 1:51 for clean db (this varies a lot) -- 1:21 for full db (nothing inserted) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fetch_top_threads( p_start_time TIMESTAMPTZ, lookback INT DEFAULT 10000 ) RETURNS TABLE(bump_time TIMESTAMPTZ, post_count BIGINT, thread_id BIGINT, where_to_leave_off TIMESTAMPTZ) LANGUAGE sql AS $$ SELECT max(creation_time) as bump_time, count(*), thread_id, min(creation_time) as where_to_leave_off FROM ( SELECT thread_id, creation_time FROM posts WHERE creation_time < p_start_time ORDER BY creation_time DESC LIMIT LEAST(lookback, 250000) -- capping the lookback to 250k ) as t GROUP BY thread_id ORDER BY bump_time DESC; $$; CREATE TYPE catalog_grid_result AS ( -- post_count bigint, estimated_post_count bigint, post_id bigint, board_post_id bigint, creation_time timestamptz, bump_time timestamptz, body text, subject text, thread_id bigint, embed text, board_thread_id bigint, pathpart text, site_name text, file_mimetype text, file_illegal boolean, -- file_resolution dimension, file_name text, file_extension text, file_thumb_extension text ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search_posts(search_text text, max_rows integer DEFAULT 1000) RETURNS SETOF catalog_grid_result AS $$ WITH query AS ( SELECT websearch_to_tsquery('english', search_text) AS query ), result_set AS ( SELECT p.*, threads.board_thread_id, pathpart, AS site_name, attachments.mimetype as file_mimetype, attachments.illegal as file_illegal, -- attachments.resolution as file_resolution, attachments.board_filename as file_name, attachments.file_extension, attachments.thumb_extension as file_thumb_extension, ts_rank(p.body_search_index, query.query) / (1 + EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM AGE(p.creation_time)) / (3600 * 24)) AS relevance FROM posts p JOIN threads ON threads.thread_id = p.thread_id JOIN boards ON boards.board_id = threads.board_id JOIN sites ON sites.site_id = boards.site_id LEFT OUTER JOIN attachments ON attachments.post_id = p.post_id AND attachments.attachment_idx = 1 , query WHERE p.body_search_index @@ query.query LIMIT max_rows ) SELECT 0 AS estimated_post_count, result_set.post_id, result_set.board_post_id, result_set.creation_time, result_set.creation_time AS bump_time, result_set.body, result_set.subject, result_set.thread_id, result_set.embed, result_set.board_thread_id, result_set.pathpart, result_set.site_name, result_set.file_mimetype, result_set.file_illegal, result_set.file_name, result_set.file_extension, result_set.file_thumb_extension FROM result_set ORDER BY result_set.relevance DESC; $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE; -- Function: search_posts -- -- This function performs a full-text search on the `posts` table using PostgreSQL's text search features. -- It takes a single argument `search_text`, which represents the text to search for within the `posts` body content. -- The function is designed to join the `posts` table with `threads`, `boards`, `sites`, and `attachments` tables to enrich -- the search results with additional context such as thread information, board pathpart, site name, and attachment details. -- Results are ranked by their relevance to the search text, with the most relevant posts appearing first. -- -- The function uses the `websearch_to_tsquery` function for parsing the provided search text into a tsquery object -- using the 'english' configuration. It then ranks the results using the `ts_rank` function based on the match -- between the `body_search_index` column and the tsquery object, adjusting the rank by the age of the post to prefer newer posts. -- Results are ordered from most to least relevant based on this computed relevance. -- -- Note that the `relevance` score is computed for ranking purposes but is not included in the function's return set. -- The function returns a rich set of information for each matching post, including details from related tables to provide -- a comprehensive view suitable for displaying a catalog grid of search results. -- -- Parameters: -- - search_text: TEXT, the text to be searched in the `posts` body. -- -- Returns: -- - A SETOF rows combining data from `posts`, `threads`, `boards`, `sites`, and `attachments` tables, ordered by -- the relevance of the full-text search. Each row includes post details along with thread, board, site, and attachment -- information to provide a full context for each search result. -- -- Usage: -- SELECT * FROM search_posts('Desired search text'); -- -- The function is marked as STABLE, indicating that it does not modify the database and always returns the same -- results for the same input when the underlying data does not change. -- -- Example: -- -- To search for posts related to 'quantum computing': -- SELECT * FROM search_posts('quantum computing'); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search_posts(search_text text) RETURNS SETOF catalog_grid_result AS $$ WITH query AS ( SELECT websearch_to_tsquery('english', search_text) AS query ), result_set AS ( SELECT p.*, threads.board_thread_id, pathpart, AS site_name, attachments.mimetype as file_mimetype, attachments.illegal as file_illegal, -- attachments.resolution as file_resolution, attachments.board_filename as file_name, attachments.file_extension, attachments.thumb_extension as file_thumb_extension, ts_rank(p.body_search_index, query.query) / (1 + EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM AGE(p.creation_time)) / (3600 * 24)) AS relevance FROM posts p JOIN threads ON threads.thread_id = p.thread_id JOIN boards ON boards.board_id = threads.board_id JOIN sites ON sites.site_id = boards.site_id LEFT OUTER JOIN attachments ON attachments.post_id = p.post_id AND attachments.attachment_idx = 1 , query WHERE p.body_search_index @@ query.query LIMIT 2000 ) SELECT 0 AS estimated_post_count, result_set.post_id, result_set.board_post_id, result_set.creation_time, result_set.creation_time AS bump_time, result_set.body, result_set.subject, result_set.thread_id, result_set.embed, result_set.board_thread_id, result_set.pathpart, result_set.site_name, result_set.file_mimetype, result_set.file_illegal, result_set.file_name, result_set.file_extension, result_set.file_thumb_extension FROM result_set ORDER BY result_set.relevance DESC; $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE; /* * Permissions */ REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION insert_posts_and_return_ids FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fetch_top_threads FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fetch_catalog FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION search_posts FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION update_post_body_search_index FROM PUBLIC; CREATE ROLE chan_archive_anon nologin; GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE chan_archives TO chan_archive_anon; GRANT SELECT ON sites TO chan_archive_anon; GRANT SELECT ON boards TO chan_archive_anon; GRANT SELECT ON threads TO chan_archive_anon; GRANT SELECT ON posts TO chan_archive_anon; GRANT SELECT ON attachments TO chan_archive_anon; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fetch_catalog TO chan_archive_anon; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fetch_top_threads TO chan_archive_anon; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION search_posts TO chan_archive_anon; -- GRANT usage, select ON SEQUENCE sites_site_id_seq TO chan_archive_anon; -- GRANT usage, select ON SEQUENCE boards_board_id_seq TO chan_archive_anon; GRANT chan_archive_anon TO admin; CREATE ROLE chan_archiver noinherit login password 'test_password'; GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE chan_archives TO chan_archiver; GRANT chan_archive_anon TO chan_archiver; GRANT ALL ON sites TO chan_archiver; GRANT ALL ON boards TO chan_archiver; GRANT ALL ON threads TO chan_archiver; GRANT ALL ON posts TO chan_archiver; GRANT ALL ON attachments TO chan_archiver; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION update_post_body_search_index TO chan_archiver; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION insert_posts_and_return_ids TO chan_archiver; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fetch_top_threads TO chan_archiver; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fetch_catalog TO chan_archiver; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION search_posts TO chan_archiver; GRANT usage, select ON SEQUENCE sites_site_id_seq TO chan_archiver; GRANT usage, select ON SEQUENCE boards_board_id_seq TO chan_archiver; GRANT usage, select ON SEQUENCE threads_thread_id_seq TO chan_archiver; GRANT usage, select ON SEQUENCE posts_post_id_seq TO chan_archiver; GRANT usage, select ON SEQUENCE attachments_attachment_id_seq TO chan_archiver; GRANT chan_archiver TO admin; COMMIT;