
132 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Parsing.BodyParser
( PostPart (..)
, parsePostBody
, collectBacklinks
, Backlinks
) where
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Text.HTML.Parser
( parseTokens
, canonicalizeTokens
, Token (..)
, Attr(..)
import Text.HTML.Tree (tokensToForest)
import Data.Tree (Forest, Tree (..))
import Common.Parsing.PostPartType
import Common.Parsing.QuoteLinkParser
import Common.Parsing.PostBodyUtils
getAttr :: Text -> [ Attr ] -> Maybe Text
getAttr _ [] = Nothing
getAttr attrName (Attr x y:xs)
| x == attrName = Just y
| otherwise = getAttr attrName xs
parsePostBody :: Text -> IO [ PostPart ]
parsePostBody html =
case tokensToForest $ canonicalizeTokens $ parseTokens html of
Left err -> do
print err
return []
Right forest -> return $ forestToPostParts forest
forestToPostParts :: Forest Token -> [ PostPart ]
forestToPostParts = concatMap treeToPostParts
treeToPostParts :: Tree Token -> [ PostPart ]
treeToPostParts Node { rootLabel = (TagOpen "a" attrs) } =
let m_href = getAttr "href" attrs
in case m_href of
Nothing ->
[ SimpleText "Anchor without href" ]
Just href ->
let target = getAttr "target" attrs
in case target of
Just "_blank" ->
[ PostedUrl href ]
_ ->
[ Quote $ parseURL $ Text.unpack href ]
treeToPostParts Node { rootLabel = (TagOpen "span" attrs), subForest } =
maybe [] (:[]) $ foldr foldfunc Nothing classList
classList :: [ Text ]
classList = maybe [] Text.words $ getAttr "class" attrs
foldfunc :: Text -> Maybe PostPart -> Maybe PostPart
foldfunc cls Nothing = (>>= \p -> Just $ p $ forestToPostParts subForest) $ matchPart cls
foldfunc _ x@(Just _) = x
matchPart :: Text -> Maybe ([ PostPart ] -> PostPart)
matchPart "quote" = Just GreenText
matchPart "orangeQuote" = Just OrangeText
matchPart "heading" = Just RedText
matchPart "spoiler" = Just Spoiler
matchPart _ = Nothing
treeToPostParts Node { rootLabel = (TagOpen "em" _), subForest } =
[ Italics $ forestToPostParts subForest ]
treeToPostParts Node { rootLabel = (TagOpen "strong" _), subForest } =
[ Bold $ forestToPostParts subForest ]
treeToPostParts Node { rootLabel = (TagOpen "u" _), subForest } =
[ Underlined $ forestToPostParts subForest ]
treeToPostParts Node { rootLabel = (TagOpen "s" _), subForest } =
[ Strikethrough $ forestToPostParts subForest ]
treeToPostParts Node { rootLabel = (TagOpen "pre" _), subForest } =
[ Code $ forestToPostParts subForest ]
treeToPostParts Node { rootLabel = (TagOpen "br" _) } =
[ Skip ]
treeToPostParts Node { rootLabel = (ContentText txt) } = [ SimpleText txt ]
treeToPostParts _ = [ Skip ]
-- Forest == [ Tree Token ]
-- data Tree a = Node {
-- rootLabel :: a, -- ^ label value
-- subForest :: [Tree a] -- ^ zero or more child trees
-- }
-- Tree a == Tree Token
-- data Tree Token = Node {
-- rootLabel :: Token, -- ^ label value
-- subForest :: [Tree Token] -- ^ zero or more child trees
-- }
-- data Token
-- -- | An opening tag. Attribute ordering is arbitrary. Void elements have a 'TagOpen' but no corresponding 'TagClose'. See 'Text.HTML.Tree.nonClosing'.
-- = TagOpen !TagName [Attr]
-- -- | A self-closing tag.
-- | TagSelfClose !TagName [Attr]
-- -- | A closing tag.
-- | TagClose !TagName
-- -- | The content between tags.
-- | ContentText !Text
-- -- | A single character of content
-- | ContentChar !Char
-- -- | Contents of a comment.
-- | Comment !Builder
-- -- | Doctype
-- | Doctype !Text
-- deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Generic)