159 lines
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159 lines
4.9 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Main where
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Miso (ToServerRoutes, View)
import Miso.String (toMisoString)
import Data.Proxy
import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Wai
import qualified Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger as Wai
import Servant.API
import Servant.Server (Server, Handler (..), serve, err500, ServerError (..))
import qualified Lucid as L
-- import qualified Lucid.Base as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 (fromString)
import System.Console.CmdArgs (cmdArgs, Data, Typeable)
import Data.Aeson (decode)
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import JSONSettings
import qualified Common.FrontEnd.Routes as FE
import qualified Common.FrontEnd.Action as FE
import qualified Common.FrontEnd.Model as FE
import qualified Common.FrontEnd.Views as FE
import qualified DataClient as Client
import qualified Common.Network.ClientTypes as Client
import qualified Common.Server.JSONSettings as S
import Common.Network.CatalogPostType (CatalogPost)
import qualified Common.Component.CatalogGrid as Grid
import qualified Common.Component.TimeControl as TC
newtype HtmlPage a = HtmlPage (FE.Model, a)
instance (L.ToHtml a) => L.ToHtml (HtmlPage a) where
toHtmlRaw = L.toHtml
toHtml (HtmlPage (_, x)) = L.toHtml x
-- toHtml (HtmlPage x) = do
-- L.doctype_
-- L.head_ $ do
-- L.title_ "Chandlr"
-- L.meta_ [L.charset_ "utf-8"]
-- L.with (L.script_ mempty)
-- [ L.makeAttribute "src" "/static/all.js"
-- , L.makeAttribute "async" mempty
-- , L.makeAttribute "defer" mempty
-- ]
-- L.body_ (L.toHtml x)
type FrontEndRoutes = ToServerRoutes FE.Route HtmlPage FE.Action
handlers :: JSONSettings -> Server FrontEndRoutes
handlers settings = (catalogView settings) :<|> threadView :<|> searchView
clientSettings :: JSONSettings -> S.JSONSettings
clientSettings (JSONSettings {..}) = S.JSONSettings
{ S.postgrest_url = postgrest_url
, S.jwt = jwt
, S.backup_read_root = undefined
, S.media_root_path = undefined
, S.site_name = undefined
, S.site_url = undefined
clientModel :: JSONSettings -> Client.Model
clientModel (JSONSettings {..}) = Client.Model
{ Client.pgApiRoot = pack postgrest_url
, Client.fetchCount = postgrest_fetch_count
catalogView :: JSONSettings -> Handler (HtmlPage (View FE.Action))
catalogView settings = do
now <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
catalog_results <- liftIO $ do
(clientSettings settings)
(clientModel settings)
case catalog_results of
Left err -> throwError $ err500 { errBody = fromString $ show err }
Right posts -> pure $ render now posts
render :: UTCTime -> [ CatalogPost ] -> HtmlPage (View FE.Action)
render t posts = HtmlPage (model, FE.catalogView model)
model = FE.Model
{ FE.grid_model = grid_model
, FE.client_model = undefined
, FE.thread_model = undefined
, FE.current_uri = undefined
, FE.media_root_ = undefined
, FE.current_time = t
, FE.tc_model = tc_model
, FE.search_model = undefined
grid_model = Grid.Model
{ Grid.display_items = posts
, Grid.media_root = toMisoString $ media_root settings
tc_model = TC.Model 0
threadView :: Text -> Text -> FE.BoardThreadId -> Handler (HtmlPage (View FE.Action))
threadView = undefined
searchView :: Maybe Text -> Handler (HtmlPage (View FE.Action))
searchView = undefined
app :: JSONSettings -> Wai.Application
app settings = serve (Proxy @FrontEndRoutes) (handlers settings)
port :: Int
port = 8888
newtype CliArgs = CliArgs
{ settingsFile :: String
} deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)
getSettings :: IO JSONSettings
getSettings = do
cliArgs <- cmdArgs $ CliArgs "settings.json"
let filePath = settingsFile cliArgs
if null filePath
then do
putStrLn "Error: No JSON settings file provided."
else do
putStrLn $ "Loading settings from: " ++ filePath
content <- B.readFile filePath
case decode content :: Maybe JSONSettings of
Nothing -> do
putStrLn "Error: Invalid JSON format."
Just settings -> return settings
main :: IO ()
main = do
settings <- getSettings
print settings
putStrLn $ "Serving front-end on port " ++ show port
Wai.run port $ Wai.logStdout (app settings)