2013-08-01 19:20:12 +00:00
< ? php
* This file is part of Twig .
* ( c ) 2012 Fabien Potencier
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
abstract class Twig_Node_Expression_Call extends Twig_Node_Expression
protected function compileCallable ( Twig_Compiler $compiler )
$callable = $this -> getAttribute ( 'callable' );
$closingParenthesis = false ;
if ( $callable ) {
if ( is_string ( $callable )) {
$compiler -> raw ( $callable );
} elseif ( is_array ( $callable ) && $callable [ 0 ] instanceof Twig_ExtensionInterface ) {
$compiler -> raw ( sprintf ( '$this->env->getExtension(\'%s\')->%s' , $callable [ 0 ] -> getName (), $callable [ 1 ]));
} else {
$type = ucfirst ( $this -> getAttribute ( 'type' ));
$compiler -> raw ( sprintf ( 'call_user_func_array($this->env->get%s(\'%s\')->getCallable(), array' , $type , $this -> getAttribute ( 'name' )));
$closingParenthesis = true ;
} else {
$compiler -> raw ( $this -> getAttribute ( 'thing' ) -> compile ());
$this -> compileArguments ( $compiler );
if ( $closingParenthesis ) {
$compiler -> raw ( ')' );
protected function compileArguments ( Twig_Compiler $compiler )
$compiler -> raw ( '(' );
$first = true ;
if ( $this -> hasAttribute ( 'needs_environment' ) && $this -> getAttribute ( 'needs_environment' )) {
$compiler -> raw ( '$this->env' );
$first = false ;
if ( $this -> hasAttribute ( 'needs_context' ) && $this -> getAttribute ( 'needs_context' )) {
if ( ! $first ) {
$compiler -> raw ( ', ' );
$compiler -> raw ( '$context' );
$first = false ;
if ( $this -> hasAttribute ( 'arguments' )) {
foreach ( $this -> getAttribute ( 'arguments' ) as $argument ) {
if ( ! $first ) {
$compiler -> raw ( ', ' );
$compiler -> string ( $argument );
$first = false ;
if ( $this -> hasNode ( 'node' )) {
if ( ! $first ) {
$compiler -> raw ( ', ' );
$compiler -> subcompile ( $this -> getNode ( 'node' ));
$first = false ;
if ( $this -> hasNode ( 'arguments' ) && null !== $this -> getNode ( 'arguments' )) {
$callable = $this -> hasAttribute ( 'callable' ) ? $this -> getAttribute ( 'callable' ) : null ;
$arguments = $this -> getArguments ( $callable , $this -> getNode ( 'arguments' ));
foreach ( $arguments as $node ) {
if ( ! $first ) {
$compiler -> raw ( ', ' );
$compiler -> subcompile ( $node );
$first = false ;
$compiler -> raw ( ')' );
protected function getArguments ( $callable , $arguments )
$parameters = array ();
$named = false ;
foreach ( $arguments as $name => $node ) {
if ( ! is_int ( $name )) {
$named = true ;
$name = $this -> normalizeName ( $name );
} elseif ( $named ) {
throw new Twig_Error_Syntax ( sprintf ( 'Positional arguments cannot be used after named arguments for %s "%s".' , $this -> getAttribute ( 'type' ), $this -> getAttribute ( 'name' )));
$parameters [ $name ] = $node ;
if ( ! $named ) {
return $parameters ;
if ( ! $callable ) {
throw new LogicException ( sprintf ( 'Named arguments are not supported for %s "%s".' , $this -> getAttribute ( 'type' ), $this -> getAttribute ( 'name' )));
// manage named arguments
if ( is_array ( $callable )) {
$r = new ReflectionMethod ( $callable [ 0 ], $callable [ 1 ]);
} elseif ( is_object ( $callable ) && ! $callable instanceof Closure ) {
$r = new ReflectionObject ( $callable );
$r = $r -> getMethod ( '__invoke' );
} else {
$r = new ReflectionFunction ( $callable );
$definition = $r -> getParameters ();
if ( $this -> hasNode ( 'node' )) {
array_shift ( $definition );
if ( $this -> hasAttribute ( 'needs_environment' ) && $this -> getAttribute ( 'needs_environment' )) {
array_shift ( $definition );
if ( $this -> hasAttribute ( 'needs_context' ) && $this -> getAttribute ( 'needs_context' )) {
array_shift ( $definition );
if ( $this -> hasAttribute ( 'arguments' ) && null !== $this -> getAttribute ( 'arguments' )) {
foreach ( $this -> getAttribute ( 'arguments' ) as $argument ) {
array_shift ( $definition );
$arguments = array ();
$pos = 0 ;
foreach ( $definition as $param ) {
$name = $this -> normalizeName ( $param -> name );
if ( array_key_exists ( $name , $parameters )) {
if ( array_key_exists ( $pos , $parameters )) {
2013-09-19 06:08:25 +00:00
throw new Twig_Error_Syntax ( sprintf ( 'Argument "%s" is defined twice for %s "%s".' , $name , $this -> getAttribute ( 'type' ), $this -> getAttribute ( 'name' )));
2013-08-01 19:20:12 +00:00
$arguments [] = $parameters [ $name ];
unset ( $parameters [ $name ]);
} elseif ( array_key_exists ( $pos , $parameters )) {
$arguments [] = $parameters [ $pos ];
unset ( $parameters [ $pos ]);
++ $pos ;
} elseif ( $param -> isDefaultValueAvailable ()) {
$arguments [] = new Twig_Node_Expression_Constant ( $param -> getDefaultValue (), - 1 );
} elseif ( $param -> isOptional ()) {
break ;
} else {
throw new Twig_Error_Syntax ( sprintf ( 'Value for argument "%s" is required for %s "%s".' , $name , $this -> getAttribute ( 'type' ), $this -> getAttribute ( 'name' )));
2013-09-19 06:08:25 +00:00
if ( ! empty ( $parameters )) {
throw new Twig_Error_Syntax ( sprintf ( 'Unknown argument%s "%s" for %s "%s".' , count ( $parameters ) > 1 ? 's' : '' , implode ( '", "' , array_keys ( $parameters )), $this -> getAttribute ( 'type' ), $this -> getAttribute ( 'name' )));
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return $arguments ;
protected function normalizeName ( $name )
return strtolower ( preg_replace ( array ( '/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/' , '/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/' ), array ( '\\1_\\2' , '\\1_\\2' ), $name ));