
193 lines
8.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Implements live-reloading on the recent posts mod page.
(() => {
if (AbortSignal.any === undefined) {
AbortSignal.any = function (signals) {
const controller = new AbortController()
const abortFn = () => {
for (const signal of signals) {
signal.removeEventListener("abort", abortFn)
for (const signal of signals) {
signal.addEventListener("abort", abortFn)
return controller.signal
const scriptFn = () => {
const kLocationPath = location.href.slice(location.origin.length)
if (/^\/mod\.php\?\/recent\/\d+$/.test(kLocationPath)) {
const loadIntFromStorage = key => {
const value = localStorage.getItem(`jon-liveposts::${key}`)
return value != null ? parseInt(value) : null
const kPullXPosts = loadIntFromStorage("pull-x-posts") ?? 6
const kPullEveryX = loadIntFromStorage("pull-every-x") ?? 8000
const kRecentXPosts = parseInt(kLocationPath.slice(17).split(/[^\d]/)[0])
const kWasEnabled = loadIntFromStorage("enabled") == 1
const kBellWasEnabled = loadIntFromStorage("bell-enabled") == 1
let liveUpdateEnabled = false
let liveUpdateBellEnabled = kBellWasEnabled
let liveUpdateAbortController = null
let liveUpdateIntervalId = null
let liveUpdateFaviconChanged = false
const getChanComment = el => Array.prototype.find.apply(el.children, [
el => el.classList.contains("thread") || el.classList.contains("postcontainer")
const parser = new DOMParser()
const fetchLatest = async () => {
const res = await fetch(`/mod.php?/recent/${kPullXPosts}`, {
"signal": AbortSignal.any([ liveUpdateAbortController.signal, AbortSignal.timeout(kPullEveryX - 500) ])
if (res.ok) {
const dom = parser.parseFromString(await res.text(), "text/html")
const posts = Array.from(dom.querySelectorAll("body > .post-wrapper[data-board]"))
return posts.map(el => ({
"element": el,
"href": Array.prototype.find.apply(el.children, [ el => el.classList.contains("eita-link") ]).href,
"id": getChanComment(el).id
} else {
return []
const getPostTimestamp = post => new Date(post.lastElementChild.querySelector(".intro time").dateTime)
const updateRecentPosts = () => {
if (liveUpdateEnabled) {
.then(latestPosts => {
const lastPost = Array.prototype.find.apply(document.body.children, [ el => el.classList.contains("post-wrapper") ])
const lastPostTs = getPostTimestamp(lastPost).getTime()
const posts = latestPosts.filter(post => document.getElementById(post.id) == null && getPostTimestamp(post.element).getTime() > lastPostTs)
if (posts.length > 0) {
const totalPosts = Array.from(document.body.querySelectorAll(".post-wrapper"))
for (const post of posts) {
document.body.insertBefore(post.element, lastPost)
while (totalPosts.length > kRecentXPosts) {
// XXX: Fire ::new_post for chanx listeners
for (const post of posts.slice(0, kRecentXPosts)) {
$(document).trigger("new_post", [ getChanComment(post.element) ])
liveUpdateFaviconChanged = true
.catch(error => {
// XXX: Why the hell does gecko have a space at the end??
if (!((error instanceof DOMException) && [ "The user aborted a request", "The operation was aborted." ].some(msg => error.message.slice(0, 26) === msg))) {
throw error
const pageNext = Array.prototype.find.apply(document.body.children, [ el => el.nodeName == "A" && el.href.startsWith(`${location.origin}/mod.php?/recent/${kRecentXPosts}&last=`) ])
const updatePageNext = () => {
const posts = document.body.querySelectorAll(".post-wrapper")
const oldestPost = posts[posts.length-1]
pageNext.href = `/mod.php?/recent/${kRecentXPosts}&last=${getPostTimestamp(oldestPost).getTime() / 1000}`
const createCheckbox = (id, text, initialState) => {
const div = document.createElement("div")
const label = document.createElement("label")
const checkbox = document.createElement("input")
checkbox.type = "checkbox"
checkbox.id = id
checkbox.checked = initialState
label.innerText = text
label.for = id
div.style.display = "inline"
div.append(" ")
div.append(" ")
return { checkbox, label, div }
const liveUpdateToggle = enabled => {
if (enabled) {
liveUpdateEnabled = true
liveUpdateAbortController = new AbortController()
liveUpdateIntervalId = setInterval(() => updateRecentPosts(), kPullEveryX)
} else {
liveUpdateEnabled = false
liveUpdateIntervalId = null
liveUpdateAbortController = null
if (kLiveForm.checkbox.checked != enabled) {
kLiveForm.checkbox.checked = enabled
const pageNums = Array.prototype.find.apply(document.body.children, [ el => el.nodeName == "P" ])
const kLiveForm = createCheckbox("jon-liveposts-enabled", "live: ", kWasEnabled)
const kBellForm = createCheckbox("jon-liveposts-bell-enabled", "beep: ", kBellWasEnabled)
const kBell = new Audio("/static/jannybell.mp3")
kLiveForm.checkbox.addEventListener("change", () => {
localStorage.setItem("jon-liveposts::enabled", kLiveForm.checkbox.checked ? "1" : "0")
kBellForm.checkbox.addEventListener("change", () => {
localStorage.setItem("jon-liveposts::bell-enabled", kBellForm.checkbox.checked ? "1" : "0")
liveUpdateBellEnabled = kBellForm.checkbox.checked
$(document).on("new_post", () => {
if (liveUpdateBellEnabled && kBell.paused) {
// XXX: Site requires autoplay media permission to do this
for (const form of [ kLiveForm, kBellForm ]) {
document.body.addEventListener("mousemove", () => {
if (liveUpdateFaviconChanged) {
liveUpdateFaviconChanged = false
if (kWasEnabled) {
setTimeout(() => liveUpdateToggle(true), 1)
if (document.readyState != "complete") {
window.addEventListener("load", scriptFn, { "once": true })
} else {
setTimeout(scriptFn, 1)