diff --git a/inc/config.php b/inc/config.php
index f4040570..4fe7a988 100644
--- a/inc/config.php
+++ b/inc/config.php
@@ -8,318 +8,326 @@
* your instance-config.php
+ $config = Array(
+ 'db' => Array(),
+ 'cookies' => Array(),
+ 'error' => Array(),
+ 'dir' => Array(),
+ 'mod' => Array()
+ );
// Database stuff
// SQL driver ("mysql", "pgsql", "sqlite", "dblib", etc)
// http://www.php.net/manual/en/pdo.drivers.php
- define('DB_TYPE', 'mysql', true);
+ $config['db']['type'] = 'mysql';
// Hostname or IP address
- define('DB_SERVER', 'localhost', true);
+ $config['db']['server'] = 'localhost';
// Login
- define('DB_USER', '', true);
- define('DB_PASSWORD', '', true);
- // TinyBoard database
- define('DB_DATABASE', '', true);
+ $config['db']['user'] = '';
+ $config['db']['password'] = '';
+ // Tinyboard database
+ $config['db']['database'] = '';
// Anything more to add to the DSN string (eg. port=xxx;foo=bar)
- define('DB_DSN', '', true);
+ $config['db']['dsn'] = '';
// The name of the session cookie (PHP's $_SESSION)
- define('SESS_COOKIE', 'imgboard', true);
+ $config['cookies']['session']= 'imgboard';
- // Used to safely determine when the user was first seen, to prevent floods.
- // time()
- define('TIME_COOKIE', 'arrived', true);
- // HASH_COOKIE contains an MD5 hash of TIME_COOKIE+SALT for verification.
- define('HASH_COOKIE', 'hash', true);
+ // Used to safely determine when the user was first seen, to prevent floods. Contains a UNIX timestamp.
+ $config['cookies']['time'] = 'arrived';
+ // Contains an MD5 hash of $config['cookies']['time'] for verification.
+ $config['cookies']['hash'] = 'hash';
// Used for moderation login
- define('MOD_COOKIE', 'mod', true);
- // Where to set the 'path' parameter to ROOT when creating cookies. Recommended.
- define('JAIL_COOKIES', true, true);
+ $config['cookies']['mod'] = 'mod';
+ // Where to set the 'path' parameter to $config['root'] when creating cookies. Recommended.
+ $config['cookies']['jail'] = true;
// How long should the cookies last (in seconds)
- define('COOKIE_EXPIRE', 15778463, true); //6 months
- // How long should moderators should remain logged in (0=browser session) (in seconds)
- define('MOD_EXPIRE', 15778463, true);
+ $config['cookies']['expire']= 15778463; //6 months
// Make this something long and random for security
- define('SALT', 'wefaw98YHEWUFuo', true);
- define('SECURE_TRIP_SALT', '@#$&^@#)$(*&@!_$(&329-8347', true);
+ $config['cookies']['salt'] = 'wefaw98YHEWUFuo';
+ // How long should moderators should remain logged in (0=browser session) (in seconds)
+ $config['mod']['expire'] = 15778463; //6 months
+ // Used to salt secure tripcodes (##trip)
+ $config['secure_trip_salt'] = '@#$&^@#)$(*&@!_$(&329-8347';
// How many seconds before you can post, after the first visit
- define('LURKTIME', 30, true);
+ $config['lurktime'] = 30;
// How many seconds between each post
- define('FLOOD_TIME', 10, true);
+ $config['flood_time'] = 10;
// How many seconds between each post with exactly the same content and same IP
- define('FLOOD_TIME_IP_SAME', 120, true);
+ $config['flood_time_ip'] = 120;
// Same as above but different IP address
- define('FLOOD_TIME_SAME', 30, true);
+ $config['flood_time_same'] = 30;
// Do you need a body for your non-OP posts?
- define('FORCE_BODY', true, true);
+ $config['force_body'] = true;
// Max body length
- define('MAX_BODY', 1800, true);
- define('THREADS_PER_PAGE', 10, true);
- define('MAX_PAGES', 10, true);
- define('THREADS_PREVIEW', 5, true);
+ $config['max_body'] = 1800;
+ $config['threads_per_page'] = 10;
+ $config['max_pages'] = 10;
+ $config['threads_preview'] = 5;
// For development purposes. Turns 'display_errors' on. Not recommended for production.
- define('VERBOSE_ERRORS', true, true);
+ $config['verbose_errors'] = true;
// Error messages
- define('ERROR_LURK', 'Lurk some more before posting.', true);
- define('ERROR_BOT', 'You look like a bot.', true);
- define('ERROR_TOOLONG', 'The %s field was too long.', true);
- define('ERROR_TOOLONGBODY', 'The body was too long.', true);
- define('ERROR_TOOSHORTBODY', 'The body was too short or empty.', true);
- define('ERROR_NOIMAGE', 'You must upload an image.', true);
- define('ERROR_NOMOVE', 'The server failed to handle your upload.', true);
- define('ERROR_FILEEXT', 'Unsupported image format.', true);
- define('ERROR_NOBOARD', 'Invalid board!', true);
- define('ERROR_NONEXISTANT', 'Thread specified does not exist.', true);
- define('ERROR_LOCKED', 'Thread locked. You may not reply at this time.', true);
- define('ERROR_NOPOST', 'You didn\'t make a post.', true);
- define('ERROR_FLOOD', 'Flood detected; Post discared.', true);
- define('ERROR_UNORIGINAL', 'Unoriginal content!', true);
- define('ERROR_MUTED', 'Unoriginal content! You have been muted for %d seconds.', true);
- define('ERROR_YOUAREMUTED', 'You are muted! Expires in %d seconds.', true);
- define('ERROR_TOR', 'Hmm… That looks like a Tor exit node.', true);
- define('ERROR_TOOMANYLINKS', 'Too many links; flood detected.', true);
- define('ERROR_NODELETE', 'You didn\'t select anything to delete.', true);
- define('ERROR_INVALIDPASSWORD', 'Wrong password…', true);
- define('ERR_INVALIDIMG','Invalid image.', true);
- define('ERR_FILESIZE', 'Maximum file size: %maxsz% bytes
Your file\'s size: %filesz% bytes', true);
- define('ERR_MAXSIZE', 'The file was too big.', true);
- define('ERR_INVALIDZIP', 'Invalid archive!', true);
+ $config['error']['lurk'] = 'Lurk some more before posting.';
+ $config['error']['bot'] = 'You look like a bot.';
+ $config['error']['toolong'] = 'The %s field was too long.';
+ $config['error']['toolong_body'] = 'The body was too long.';
+ $config['error']['tooshort_body'] = 'The body was too short or empty.';
+ $config['error']['noimage'] = 'You must upload an image.';
+ $config['error']['nomove'] = 'The server failed to handle your upload.';
+ $config['error']['fileext'] = 'Unsupported image format.';
+ $config['error']['noboard'] = 'Invalid board!';
+ $config['error']['nonexistant'] = 'Thread specified does not exist.';
+ $config['error']['locked'] = 'Thread locked. You may not reply at this time.';
+ $config['error']['nopost'] = 'You didn\'t make a post.';
+ $config['error']['flood'] = 'Flood detected; Post discared.';
+ $config['error']['unoriginal'] = 'Unoriginal content!';
+ $config['error']['muted'] = 'Unoriginal content! You have been muted for %d seconds.';
+ $config['error']['youaremuted'] = 'You are muted! Expires in %d seconds.';
+ $config['error']['tor'] = 'Hmm… That looks like a Tor exit node.';
+ $config['error']['toomanylinks'] = 'Too many links; flood detected.';
+ $config['error']['nodelete'] = 'You didn\'t select anything to delete.';
+ $config['error']['invalidpassword'] = 'Wrong password…';
+ $config['error']['invalidimg'] = 'Invalid image.';
+ $config['error']['filesize'] = 'Maximum file size: %maxsz% bytes
Your file\'s size: %filesz% bytes';
+ $config['error']['maxsize'] = 'The file was too big.';
+ $config['error']['invalidzip'] = 'Invalid archive!';
// Moderator errors
- define('ERROR_INVALID', 'Invalid username and/or password.', true);
- define('ERROR_NOTAMOD', 'You are not a mod…', true);
- define('ERROR_INVALIDAFTER', 'Invalid username and/or password. Your user may have been deleted or changed.', true);
- define('ERROR_MALFORMED','Invalid/malformed cookies.', true);
- define('ERROR_MISSEDAFIELD', 'Your browser didn\'t submit an input when it should have.', true);
- define('ERROR_REQUIRED', 'The %s field is required.', true);
- define('ERROR_INVALIDFIELD', 'The %s field was invalid.', true);
- define('ERROR_BOARDEXISTS', 'There is already a %s board.', true);
- define('ERROR_NOACCESS', 'You don\'t have permission to do that.', true);
- define('ERROR_INVALIDPOST', 'That post doesn\'t exist…', true);
- define('ERROR_404', 'Page not found.', true);
+ $config['error']['invalid'] = 'Invalid username and/or password.';
+ $config['error']['notamod'] = 'You are not a mod…';
+ $config['error']['invalidafter'] = 'Invalid username and/or password. Your user may have been deleted or changed.';
+ $config['error']['malformed'] = 'Invalid/malformed cookies.';
+ $config['error']['missedafield'] = 'Your browser didn\'t submit an input when it should have.';
+ $config['error']['required'] = 'The %s field is required.';
+ $config['error']['invalidfield'] = 'The %s field was invalid.';
+ $config['error']['boardexists'] = 'There is already a %s board.';
+ $config['error']['noaccess'] = 'You don\'t have permission to do that.';
+ $config['error']['invalidpost'] = 'That post doesn\'t exist…';
+ $config['error']['404'] = 'Page not found.';
// Reply limit (deletes thread when this is reached)
- define('REPLY_LIMIT', 250, true);
+ $config['reply_limit'] = 250;
// For resizing, max values
- define('THUMB_WIDTH', 225, true);
- define('THUMB_HEIGHT', 225, true);
+ $config['thumb_width'] = 255;
+ $config['thumb_height'] = 255;
// Store image hash in the database for r9k-like boards implementation soon
// Function name for hashing
// sha1_file, md5_file, etc.
- define('FILE_HASH', 'sha1_file', true);
+ $config['file_hash'] = 'sha1_file';
- define('BLOCK_TOR', true, true);
+ $config['block_tor'] = true;
// Typically spambots try to post a lot of links. Refuse a post with X standalone links?
- define('MAX_LINKS', 20, true);
+ $config['max_links'] = 20;
// Maximum image upload size in bytes
- define('MAX_FILESIZE', 10*1024*1024, true); // 10MB
+ $config['max_filesize'] = 10*1024*1024; // 10MB
// Maximum image dimensions
- define('MAX_WIDTH', 10000, true);
- define('MAX_HEIGHT', MAX_WIDTH, true);
- /* When you upload a ZIP as a file, all the images inside the archive
- * get dumped into the thread as replies.
- * Extremely beta and not recommended yet.
- */
- define('ALLOW_ZIP', false, true);
+ $config['max_width'] = 1000;
+ $config['max_height'] = $config['max_width']; // 1:1
Redraw the image using GD functions to strip any excess data (commonly ZIP archives)
- WARNING: Very beta. Currently strips animated GIFs too :(
+ WARNING: Currently strips animated GIFs too :(
- define('REDRAW_IMAGE', false, true);
+ $config['redraw_image'] = false;
// Redrawing configuration
- define('JPEG_QUALITY', 100, true);
- define('REDRAW_GIF', false, true);
- // Display the aspect ratio in a post's file info
- define('SHOW_RATIO', true, true);
- define('DIR_IMG', 'src/', true);
- define('DIR_THUMB', 'thumb/', true);
- define('DIR_RES', 'res/', true);
- define('DIR_STATIC', 'static/', true);
+ $config['jpeg_quality'] = 100;
+ // Temporary fix for the animation-stripping bug
+ $config['redraw_gifs'] = false;
- // Where to store the .html templates. This folder and templates must exist or fatal errors will be thrown.
- define('DIR_TEMPLATE', getcwd() . '/templates', true);
+ // Display the aspect ratio in a post's file info
+ $config['show_ratio'] = true;
// The root directory, including the trailing slash, for Tinyboard.
// examples: '/', 'http://boards.chan.org/', '/chan/'
- define('ROOT', '/', true);
+ $config['root'] = '/';
+ $config['dir']['img'] = 'src/';
+ $config['dir']['thumb'] = 'thumb/';
+ $config['dir']['res'] = 'res/';
+ // For load balancing, having a seperate server (and domain/subdomain) for serving static content is possible.
+ // This can either be a directory or a URL (eg. http://static.example.org/)
+ $config['dir']['static'] = $config['root'] . 'static/';
+ // Where to store the .html templates. This folder and templates must exist or fatal errors will be thrown.
+ $config['dir']['template'] = getcwd() . '/templates';
// Static images
// These can be URLs OR base64 (data URI scheme)
- define('IMAGE_STICKY', ROOT . DIR_STATIC . 'sticky.gif', true);
- define('IMAGE_LOCKED', ROOT . DIR_STATIC . 'locked.gif', true);
- define('DELETED_IMAGE', ROOT . DIR_STATIC . 'deleted.png', true);
- define('ZIP_IMAGE', ROOT . DIR_STATIC . 'zip.png', true);
+ $config['image_sticky'] = $config['dir']['static'] . 'sticky.gif';
+ $config['image_locked'] = $config['dir']['static'] . 'locked.gif';
+ $config['image_deleted'] = $config['dir']['static'] . 'deleted.png';
+ $config['image_zip'] = $config['dir']['static'] . 'zip.png';
// If for some reason the folders and static HTML index files aren't in the current working direcotry,
// enter the directory path here. Otherwise, keep it false.
- define('ROOT_FILE', false, true);
+ $config['root_file'] = false;
- define('POST_URL', ROOT . 'post.php', true);
- define('FILE_INDEX', 'index.html', true);
- define('FILE_PAGE', '%d.html', true);
- define('FILE_MOD', 'mod.php', true);
+ $config['file_index'] = 'index.html';
+ $config['file_page'] = '%d.html';
+ $config['file_mod'] = 'mod.php';
// Multi-board (%s is board abbreviation)
- define('BOARD_PATH', '%s/', true);
+ $config['board_path'] = '%s/';
// The HTTP status code to use when redirecting.
// Should be 3xx (redirection). http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html
// "302" is recommended.
- define('REDIRECT_HTTP', 302, true);
+ $config['redirect_http'] = 302;
+ // TODO: Put this in per-board instance-config instead
// Robot stuff
// Strip repeating characters when making hashes
- define('ROBOT_ENABLE', true, true);
- define('ROBOT_BOARD', 'r9k', true);
- define('ROBOT_STRIP_REPEATING', true, true);
+ $config['robot_enable'] = false;
+ $config['robot_strip_repeating'] = true;
// Enable mutes
- define('ROBOT_MUTE', true, true);
- define('ROBOT_MUTE_HOUR', 50, true); // How many mutes X hours ago to include in the algorithm
- define('ROBOT_MUTE_MULTIPLIER', 2, true);
- define('ROBOT_MUTE_DESCRIPTION', 'You have been muted for unoriginal content.', true);
+ // Tinyboard uses ROBOT9000's original 2^x implementation
+ $config['robot_mute'] = true;
+ // How many mutes x hours ago to include in the algorithm
+ $config['robot_mute_hour'] = 50;
+ // If you want to alter the algorithm a bit. Default value is 2. n^x
+ $config['robot_mute_multiplier'] = 2;
+ $config['robot_mute_descritpion'] = 'You have been muted for unoriginal content.';
Mod stuff
// Whether or not to lock moderator sessions to the IP address that was logged in with.
- define('MOD_LOCK_IP', true, true);
+ $config['mod']['lock_ip'] = true;
// The page that is first shown when a moderator logs in. Defaults to the dashboard.
- define('MOD_DEFAULT', '/', true);
- // Don't even display MySQL password to administrators (in the configuration page)
- define('MOD_NEVER_REAL_PASSWORD', true, true);
+ $config['mod']['default'] = '/';
+ // Don't even display MySQL password to administrators (in the configuration page).
+ $config['mod']['never_reveal_password'] = true;
// Do a DNS lookup on IP addresses to get their hostname on the IP summary page
- define('MOD_DNS_LOOKUP', true, true);
+ $config['mod']['dns_lookup'] = true;
// Show ban form on the IP summary page
- define('MOD_IP_BANFORM', true, true);
+ $config['mod']['ip_banform'] = true;
// How many recent posts, per board, to show in the IP summary page
- define('MOD_IP_RECENTPOSTS', 5, true);
+ $config['mod']['ip_recentposts'] = 5;
// Probably best not to change these:
- define('MOD_JANITOR', 0, true);
- define('MOD_MOD', 1, true);
- define('MOD_ADMIN', 2, true);
+ define('JANITOR', 0, true);
+ define('MOD', 1, true);
+ define('ADMIN', 2, true);
// Permissions
// What level of administration you need to:
/* Post Controls */
// View IP addresses
- define('MOD_SHOW_IP', MOD_MOD, true);
+ $config['mod']['show_ip'] = MOD;
// Delete a post
- define('MOD_DELETE', MOD_JANITOR, true);
+ $config['mod']['delete'] = JANITOR;
// Ban a user for a post
- define('MOD_BAN', MOD_MOD, true);
+ $config['mod']['ban'] = MOD;
// Ban and delete (one click; instant)
- define('MOD_BANDELETE', MOD_BAN, true);
+ $config['mod']['bandelete'] = MOD;
// Delete file (and keep post)
- define('MOD_DELETEFILE', MOD_JANITOR, true);
+ $config['mod']['deletefile'] = JANITOR;
// Delete all posts by IP
- define('MOD_DELETEBYIP', MOD_BAN, true);
+ $config['mod']['deletebyip'] = MOD;
// Sticky a thread
- define('MOD_STICKY', MOD_MOD, true);
+ $config['mod']['sticky'] = MOD;
// Lock a thread
- define('MOD_LOCK', MOD_MOD, true);
+ $config['mod']['lock'] = MOD;
// Post in a locked thread
- define('MOD_POSTINLOCKED', MOD_MOD, true);
+ $config['mod']['postinlocked'] = MOD;
// Post bypass unoriginal content check
- define('MOD_POSTUNORIGINAL', MOD_MOD, true);
+ $config['mod']['postunoriginal'] = MOD;
// Raw HTML posting
- define('MOD_RAWHTML', MOD_MOD, true);
+ $config['mod']['rawhtml'] = MOD;
/* Administration */
- // Display the contents of instant-config.php
- define('MOD_SHOW_CONFIG', MOD_ADMIN, true);
+ // Display the contents of instance-config.php
+ $config['mod']['show_config'] = ADMIN;
// View list of bans
- define('MOD_VIEW_BANLIST', MOD_MOD, true);
+ $config['mod']['view_banlist'] = MOD;
// View the username of the mod who made a ban
- define('MOD_VIEW_BANSTAFF', MOD_MOD, true);
- // If the moderator doesn't fit the MOD_VIEW_BANSTAFF (previous) permission,
+ $config['mod']['view_banstaff'] = MOD;
+ // If the moderator doesn't fit the $config['mod']['view_banstaff''] (previous) permission,
// show him just a "?" instead. Otherwise, it will be "Mod" or "Admin"
- define('MOD_VIEW_BANQUESTIONMARK', false, true);
+ $config['mod']['view_banquestionmark'] = false;
// Show expired bans in the ban list (they are kept in cache until the culprit returns)
- define('MOD_VIEW_BANEXPIRED', true, true);
+ $config['mod']['view_banexpired'] = true;
// Create a new board
- define('MOD_NEWBOARD', MOD_ADMIN, true);
+ $config['mod']['newboard'] = ADMIN;
// Mod links (full HTML)
// Correspond to above permission directives
- define('MOD_LINK_DELETE', '[D]', true);
- define('MOD_LINK_BAN', '[B]', true);
- define('MOD_LINK_BANDELETE', '[B&D]', true);
- define('MOD_LINK_DELETEFILE', '[F]', true);
- define('MOD_LINK_DELETEBYIP', '[D+]', true);
- define('MOD_LINK_STICKY', '[Sticky]', true);
- define('MOD_LINK_DESTICKY', '[-Sticky]', true);
- define('MOD_LINK_LOCK', '[Lock]', true);
- define('MOD_LINK_UNLOCK', '[-Lock]', true);
+ $config['mod']['link_delete'] = '[D]';
+ $config['mod']['link_ban'] = '[B]';
+ $config['mod']['link_bandelete'] = '[B&D]';
+ $config['mod']['link_deletefile'] = '[F]';
+ $config['mod']['link_deletebyip'] = '[D+]';
+ $config['mod']['link_sticky'] = '[Sticky]';
+ $config['mod']['link_desticky'] = '[-Sticky]';
+ $config['mod']['link_lock'] = '[Lock]';
+ $config['mod']['link_unlock'] = '[-Lock]';
// A small file in the main directory indicating that the script has been ran and the board(s) have been generated.
// This keeps the script from querying the database and causing strain when not needed.
- define('HAS_INSTALLED', '.installed', true);
+ $config['has_installed'] = '.installed';
- // Name of the boards. Typically '/%s/' (/b/, /mu/, etc)
- define('BOARD_ABBREVIATION', '/%s/', true);
+ // Name of the boards. Usually '/%s/' (/b/, /mu/, etc)
+ // $config['board_abbreviation'] - BOARD_TITLE
+ $config['board_abbreviation'] = '/%s/';
// Automatically convert things like "..." to Unicode characters ("…")
- define('AUTO_UNICODE', true, true);
+ $config['auto_unicode'] = true;
// Use some Wiki-like syntax (''em'', '''strong''', ==Heading==, etc)
- define('WIKI_MARKUP', true, true);
+ $config['wiki_markup'] = true;
// Whether to turn URLs into functional links
- define('MARKUP_URLS', true, true);
+ $config['markup_urls'] = true;
// Complex regular expression to catch URLs
- define('URL_REGEX', '/' . '(https?|ftp):\/\/' . '(([\w\-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}|\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})' . '(\/([\w\-~\.#\/?=&;:+%]+)?)?' . '/', true);
+ $config['url_regex'] = '/' . '(https?|ftp):\/\/' . '(([\w\-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}|\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})' . '(\/([\w\-~\.#\/?=&;:+%]+)?)?' . '/';
// Allowed file extensions
- $allowed_ext = Array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp', 'gif', 'png', true);
- define('BUTTON_NEWTOPIC', 'New Topic', true);
- define('BUTTON_REPLY', 'New Reply', true);
+ $config['allowed_ext'] = Array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp', 'gif', 'png');
+ // The names on the post buttons. (On most imageboards, these are both "Post".)
+ $config['button_newtopic'] = 'New Topic';
+ $config['button_reply'] = 'New Reply';
// The string passed to date() for post times
// http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
- define('POST_DATE', 'm/d/y (D) H:i:s', true);
+ $config['post_date'] = 'm/d/y (D) H:i:s';
- define('ALWAYS_NOKO', false, true);
+ // Always act as if they had typed "noko" in the email field no mattter what
+ $config['always_noko'] = false;
- define('URL_MATCH', '/^' .
- (preg_match(URL_REGEX, ROOT) ? '' :
+ $config['url_match'] = '/^' .
+ (preg_match($config['url_regex'], $config['root']) ? '' :
(@$_SERVER['HTTPS']?'https':'http') .
':\/\/'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) .
- preg_quote(ROOT, '/') .
+ preg_quote($config['root'], '/') .
'(' .
- str_replace('%s', '\w{1,8}', preg_quote(BOARD_PATH, '/')) .
+ str_replace('%s', '\w{1,8}', preg_quote($config['board_path'], '/')) .
'|' .
- str_replace('%s', '\w{1,8}', preg_quote(BOARD_PATH, '/')) .
- preg_quote(FILE_INDEX, '/') .
+ str_replace('%s', '\w{1,8}', preg_quote($config['board_path'], '/')) .
+ preg_quote($config['file_index'], '/') .
'|' .
- str_replace('%s', '\w{1,8}', preg_quote(BOARD_PATH, '/')) .
- str_replace('%d', '\d+', preg_quote(FILE_PAGE, '/')) .
+ str_replace('%s', '\w{1,8}', preg_quote($config['board_path'], '/')) .
+ str_replace('%d', '\d+', preg_quote($config['file_page'], '/')) .
'|' .
- preg_quote(FILE_MOD, '/') .
+ preg_quote($config['file_mod'], '/') .
'\?\/.+' .
- ')$/i', true);
+ ')$/i';
- if(ROOT_FILE) {
- chdir(ROOT_FILE);
+ if($config['root_file']) {
+ chdir($config['root_file']);
+ if($config['verbose_errors']) {
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inc/database.php b/inc/database.php
index dca1fbd1..21fabe71 100644
--- a/inc/database.php
+++ b/inc/database.php
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
// Remove any sensitive information
- $message = str_replace(DB_USER, 'hidden', $message);
- $message = str_replace(DB_PASSWORD, 'hidden', $message);
+ $message = str_replace($config['db']['user'], 'hidden', $message);
+ $message = str_replace($config['db']['password'], 'hidden', $message);
// Print error
error('Database error: ' . $message);
diff --git a/inc/display.php b/inc/display.php
index 8423da0f..acf77e39 100644
--- a/inc/display.php
+++ b/inc/display.php
@@ -20,30 +20,32 @@
function error($message) {
- global $board, $mod;
+ global $board, $mod, $config;
if(function_exists('sql_close')) sql_close();
die(Element('page.html', Array(
- 'index'=>ROOT,
+ 'index'=>$config['root'],
'subtitle'=>'An error has occured.',
' . @@ -135,7 +140,7 @@ . (!empty($this->trip) ? ' '.$this->trip.'':''); // IP Address - if($this->mod && $this->mod['type'] >= MOD_SHOW_IP) { + if($this->mod && $this->mod['type'] >= $config['mod']['show_ip']) { $built .= ' [' . $this->ip . ']'; } @@ -144,7 +149,7 @@ $built .= ''; // Date/time - $built .= ' ' . date(POST_DATE, $this->time); + $built .= ' ' . date($config['post_date'], $this->time); // End delete $built .= ''; @@ -152,20 +157,20 @@ $built .= ' No.' . + ' href="' . $this->root . $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . $this->thread . '.html' . '#' . $this->id . '">No.' . // JavaScript cite - ''.$this->id.'' . + ''.$this->id.'' . '
'; // File info if(!empty($this->file) && $this->file != 'deleted') { - $built .= 'File: ' . $this->file . ' (' .
+ $built .= ' File: ' . $this->file . ' (' .
// Filesize
format_bytes($this->filesize) . ', ' .
// File dimensions
$this->filex . 'x' . $this->filey;
// Aspect Ratio
- if(SHOW_RATIO) {
+ if($config['show_ratio']) {
$fraction = fraction($this->filex, $this->filey, ':');
$built .= ', ' . $fraction;
@@ -173,9 +178,9 @@
$built .= ', ' . $this->filename . ')
File: ' . $this->file . ' (' .
+ $built = ' File: ' . $this->file . ' (' .
// Filesize
format_bytes($this->filesize) . ', ' .
// File dimensions
$this->filex . 'x' . $this->filey;
// Aspect Ratio
- if(SHOW_RATIO) {
+ if($config['show_ratio']) {
$fraction = fraction($this->filex, $this->filey, ':');
$built .= ', ' . $fraction;
// Filename
$built .= ', ' . $this->filename . ') ';
@@ -304,7 +312,7 @@
. (!empty($this->trip) ? ' '.$this->trip.'':'');
// IP Address
- if($this->mod && $this->mod['type'] >= MOD_SHOW_IP) {
+ if($this->mod && $this->mod['type'] >= $config['mod']['show_ip']) {
$built .= ' [' . $this->ip . ']';
@@ -313,7 +321,7 @@
$built .= '';
// Date/time
- $built .= ' ' . date(POST_DATE, $this->time);
+ $built .= ' ' . date($config['post_date'], $this->time);
// End delete
$built .= '';
@@ -321,15 +329,15 @@
$built .= ' No.' .
+ ' href="' . $this->root . $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . $this->id . '.html' . '#' . $this->id . '">No.' .
// JavaScript cite
- ''.$this->id.'' .
+ ''.$this->id.'' .
// Sticky
- ($this->sticky ? '' : '') .
+ ($this->sticky ? '' : '') .
// Locked
- ($this->locked ? '' : '') .
+ ($this->locked ? '' : '') .
// [Reply]
- ($index ? '[Reply]' : '') .
+ ($index ? '[Reply]' : '') .
// Mod controls
$this->postControls() .
diff --git a/inc/functions.php b/inc/functions.php
index 6901de62..cc2a02f8 100644
--- a/inc/functions.php
+++ b/inc/functions.php
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
function setupBoard($array) {
- global $board;
+ global $board, $config;
$board = Array(
'id' => $array['id'],
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@
'name' => $array['title'],
'title' => $array['subtitle']);
- $board['dir'] = sprintf(BOARD_PATH, $board['uri']);
- $board['url'] = sprintf(BOARD_ABBREVIATION, $board['uri']);
+ $board['dir'] = sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']);
+ $board['url'] = sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $board['uri']);
if(!file_exists($board['dir'])) mkdir($board['dir'], 0777);
- if(!file_exists($board['dir'] . DIR_IMG)) @mkdir($board['dir'] . DIR_IMG, 0777) or error("Couldn't create " . DIR_IMG . ". Check permissions.", true);
- if(!file_exists($board['dir'] . DIR_THUMB)) @mkdir($board['dir'] . DIR_THUMB, 0777) or error("Couldn't create " . DIR_THUMB . ". Check permissions.", true);
- if(!file_exists($board['dir'] . DIR_RES)) @mkdir($board['dir'] . DIR_RES, 0777) or error("Couldn't create " . DIR_RES . ". Check permissions.", true);
+ if(!file_exists($board['dir'] . $config['dir']['img'])) @mkdir($board['dir'] . $config['dir']['img'], 0777) or error("Couldn't create " . $config['dir']['img'] . ". Check permissions.", true);
+ if(!file_exists($board['dir'] . $config['dir']['thumb'])) @mkdir($board['dir'] . $config['dir']['thumb'], 0777) or error("Couldn't create " . $config['dir']['thumb'] . ". Check permissions.", true);
+ if(!file_exists($board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'])) @mkdir($board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'], 0777) or error("Couldn't create " . $config['dir']['res'] . ". Check permissions.", true);
function openBoard($uri) {
@@ -46,14 +46,14 @@
function checkFlood($post) {
- global $board;
+ global $board, $config;
$query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `posts_%s` WHERE (`ip` = :ip AND `time` >= :floodtime) OR (`ip` = :ip AND `body` = :body AND `time` >= :floodsameiptime) OR (`body` = :body AND `time` >= :floodsametime) LIMIT 1", $board['uri']));
$query->bindValue(':ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$query->bindValue(':body', $post['body'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
- $query->bindValue(':floodtime', time()-FLOOD_TIME, PDO::PARAM_INT);
- $query->bindValue(':floodsameiptime', time()-FLOOD_TIME_IP_SAME, PDO::PARAM_INT);
- $query->bindValue(':floodsametime', time()-FLOOD_TIME_SAME, PDO::PARAM_INT);
+ $query->bindValue(':floodtime', time()-$config['flood_time'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
+ $query->bindValue(':floodsameiptime', time()-$config['flood_time_ip'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
+ $query->bindValue(':floodsametime', time()-$config['flood_time_same'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
return (bool)$query->fetch();
@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@
function checkBan() {
+ global $config;
if(!isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
// Server misconfiguration
@@ -157,7 +159,7 @@
// Show banned page and exit
die(Element('page.html', Array(
- 'index' => ROOT,
+ 'index' => $config['root'],
'title' => 'Banned',
'subtitle' => 'You are banned!',
'body' => $body
@@ -264,14 +266,14 @@
// Remove file from post
function deleteFile($id, $remove_entirely_if_already=true) {
- global $board;
+ global $board, $config;
$query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT `thread`,`thumb`,`file` FROM `posts_%s` WHERE `id` = :id AND `thread` IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1", $board['uri']));
$query->bindValue(':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
if($query->rowCount() < 1) {
+ error($config['error']['invalidpost']);
$post = $query->fetch();
@@ -282,10 +284,10 @@
$query->bindValue(':file', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL);
} else {
// Delete thumbnail
- @unlink($board['dir'] . DIR_THUMB . $post['thumb']);
+ @unlink($board['dir'] . $config['dir']['thumb'] . $post['thumb']);
// Delete file
- @unlink($board['dir'] . DIR_IMG . $post['file']);
+ @unlink($board['dir'] . $config['dir']['img'] . $post['file']);
// Set file to 'deleted'
$query->bindValue(':file', 'deleted', PDO::PARAM_INT);
@@ -300,7 +302,7 @@
// Delete a post (reply or thread)
function deletePost($id, $error_if_doesnt_exist=true) {
- global $board;
+ global $board, $config;
// Select post and replies (if thread) in one query
$query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT `id`,`thread`,`thumb`,`file` FROM `posts_%s` WHERE `id` = :id OR `thread` = :id", $board['uri']));
@@ -309,7 +311,7 @@
if($query->rowCount() < 1) {
+ error($config['error']['invalidpost']);
else return false;
@@ -317,18 +319,18 @@
while($post = $query->fetch()) {
if(!$post['thread']) {
// Delete thread HTML page
- @unlink($board['dir'] . DIR_RES . sprintf(FILE_PAGE, $post['id']));
+ @unlink($board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . sprintf($config['file_page'], $post['id']));
} elseif($query->rowCount() == 1) {
// Rebuild thread
$rebuild = $post['thread'];
if($post['thumb']) {
// Delete thumbnail
- @unlink($board['dir'] . DIR_THUMB . $post['thumb']);
+ @unlink($board['dir'] . $config['dir']['thumb'] . $post['thumb']);
if($post['file']) {
// Delete file
- @unlink($board['dir'] . DIR_IMG . $post['file']);
+ @unlink($board['dir'] . $config['dir']['img'] . $post['file']);
@@ -344,8 +346,8 @@
function clean() {
- global $board;
- $offset = round(MAX_PAGES*THREADS_PER_PAGE);
+ global $board, $config;
+ $offset = round($config['max_pages']*$config['threads_per_page']);
// I too wish there was an easier way of doing this...
$query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT `id` FROM `posts_%s` WHERE `thread` IS NULL ORDER BY `sticky` DESC, `bump` DESC LIMIT :offset, 9001", $board['uri']));
@@ -358,74 +360,75 @@
function index($page, $mod=false) {
- global $board;
+ global $board, $config;
$body = '';
- $offset = round($page*THREADS_PER_PAGE-THREADS_PER_PAGE);
+ $offset = round($page*$config['threads_per_page']-$config['threads_per_page']);
$query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `posts_%s` WHERE `thread` IS NULL ORDER BY `sticky` DESC, `bump` DESC LIMIT ?,?", $board['uri']));
$query->bindValue(1, $offset, PDO::PARAM_INT);
- $query->bindValue(2, THREADS_PER_PAGE, PDO::PARAM_INT);
+ $query->bindValue(2, $config['threads_per_page'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
if($query->rowcount() < 1 && $page > 1) return false;
while($th = $query->fetch()) {
- $thread = new Thread($th['id'], $th['subject'], $th['email'], $th['name'], $th['trip'], $th['body'], $th['time'], $th['thumb'], $th['thumbwidth'], $th['thumbheight'], $th['file'], $th['filewidth'], $th['fileheight'], $th['filesize'], $th['filename'], $th['ip'], $th['sticky'], $th['locked'], $mod ? '?/' : ROOT, $mod);
+ $thread = new Thread($th['id'], $th['subject'], $th['email'], $th['name'], $th['trip'], $th['body'], $th['time'], $th['thumb'], $th['thumbwidth'], $th['thumbheight'], $th['file'], $th['filewidth'], $th['fileheight'], $th['filesize'], $th['filename'], $th['ip'], $th['sticky'], $th['locked'], $mod ? '?/' : $config['root'], $mod);
$posts = prepare(sprintf("SELECT `id`, `subject`, `email`, `name`, `trip`, `body`, `time`, `thumb`, `thumbwidth`, `thumbheight`, `file`, `filewidth`, `fileheight`, `filesize`, `filename`,`ip` FROM `posts_%s` WHERE `thread` = ? ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT ?", $board['uri']));
$posts->bindValue(1, $th['id']);
- $posts->bindValue(2, THREADS_PREVIEW, PDO::PARAM_INT);
+ $posts->bindValue(2, $config['threads_preview'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
$posts->execute() or error(db_error($posts));
- if($posts->rowCount() == THREADS_PREVIEW) {
+ if($posts->rowCount() == $config['threads_preview']) {
$count = prepare(sprintf("SELECT COUNT(`id`) as `num` FROM `posts_%s` WHERE `thread` = ?", $board['uri']));
$count->bindValue(1, $th['id']);
$count->execute() or error(db_error($count));
$count = $count->fetch();
- $omitted = $count['num'] - THREADS_PREVIEW;
+ $omitted = $count['num'] - $config['threads_preview'];
$thread->omitted = $omitted;
while($po = $posts->fetch()) {
- $thread->add(new Post($po['id'], $th['id'], $po['subject'], $po['email'], $po['name'], $po['trip'], $po['body'], $po['time'], $po['thumb'], $po['thumbwidth'], $po['thumbheight'], $po['file'], $po['filewidth'], $po['fileheight'], $po['filesize'], $po['filename'], $po['ip'], $mod ? '?/' : ROOT, $mod));
+ $thread->add(new Post($po['id'], $th['id'], $po['subject'], $po['email'], $po['name'], $po['trip'], $po['body'], $po['time'], $po['thumb'], $po['thumbwidth'], $po['thumbheight'], $po['file'], $po['filewidth'], $po['fileheight'], $po['filesize'], $po['filename'], $po['ip'], $mod ? '?/' : $config['root'], $mod));
$thread->posts = array_reverse($thread->posts);
$body .= $thread->build(true);
- return Array('button'=>BUTTON_NEWTOPIC, 'board'=>$board, 'body'=>$body, 'post_url' => POST_URL, 'index' => ROOT);
+ return Array('button'=>$config['button_newtopic'], 'board'=>$board, 'body'=>$body, 'post_url' => $config['post_url'], 'index' => $config['root']);
function getPages($mod=false) {
- global $board;
+ global $board, $config;
// Count threads
$query = query(sprintf("SELECT COUNT(`id`) as `num` FROM `posts_%s` WHERE `thread` IS NULL", $board['uri'])) or error(db_error());
$count = current($query->fetch());
- $count = floor((THREADS_PER_PAGE + $count - 1) / THREADS_PER_PAGE);
+ $count = floor(($config['threads_per_page'] + $count - 1) / $config['threads_per_page']);
$pages = Array();
- for($x=0;$x<$count && $x$2
", $body);
$body = preg_replace("/'''(.+?)'''/m", "$1", $body);
$body = preg_replace("/''(.+?)''/m", "$1", $body);
@@ -679,7 +683,7 @@
function buildThread($id, $return=false, $mod=false) {
- global $board;
+ global $board, $config;
$id = round($id);
$query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT `id`,`thread`,`subject`,`name`,`email`,`trip`,`body`,`time`,`thumb`,`thumbwidth`,`thumbheight`,`file`,`filewidth`,`fileheight`,`filesize`,`filename`,`ip`,`sticky`,`locked` FROM `posts_%s` WHERE (`thread` IS NULL AND `id` = :id) OR `thread` = :id ORDER BY `thread`,`time`", $board['uri']));
@@ -688,33 +692,34 @@
while($post = $query->fetch()) {
if(!isset($thread)) {
- $thread = new Thread($post['id'], $post['subject'], $post['email'], $post['name'], $post['trip'], $post['body'], $post['time'], $post['thumb'], $post['thumbwidth'], $post['thumbheight'], $post['file'], $post['filewidth'], $post['fileheight'], $post['filesize'], $post['filename'], $post['ip'], $post['sticky'], $post['locked'], $mod ? '?/' : ROOT, $mod);
+ $thread = new Thread($post['id'], $post['subject'], $post['email'], $post['name'], $post['trip'], $post['body'], $post['time'], $post['thumb'], $post['thumbwidth'], $post['thumbheight'], $post['file'], $post['filewidth'], $post['fileheight'], $post['filesize'], $post['filename'], $post['ip'], $post['sticky'], $post['locked'], $mod ? '?/' : $config['root'], $mod);
} else {
- $thread->add(new Post($post['id'], $thread->id, $post['subject'], $post['email'], $post['name'], $post['trip'], $post['body'], $post['time'], $post['thumb'], $post['thumbwidth'], $post['thumbheight'], $post['file'], $post['filewidth'], $post['fileheight'], $post['filesize'], $post['filename'], $post['ip'], $mod ? '?/' : ROOT, $mod));
+ $thread->add(new Post($post['id'], $thread->id, $post['subject'], $post['email'], $post['name'], $post['trip'], $post['body'], $post['time'], $post['thumb'], $post['thumbwidth'], $post['thumbheight'], $post['file'], $post['filewidth'], $post['fileheight'], $post['filesize'], $post['filename'], $post['ip'], $mod ? '?/' : $config['root'], $mod));
// Check if any posts were found
- if(!isset($thread)) error(ERROR_NONEXISTANT);
+ if(!isset($thread)) error($config['error']['nonexistant']);
$body = Element('thread.html', Array(
- 'button'=>BUTTON_REPLY,
+ 'button'=>$config['button_reply'],
- 'post_url' => POST_URL,
- 'index' => ROOT,
+ 'post_url' => $config['post_url'],
+ 'index' => $config['root'],
'id' => $id,
'mod' => $mod,
- 'return' => ($mod ? '?' . $board['url'] . FILE_INDEX : ROOT . $board['uri'] . '/' . FILE_INDEX)
+ 'return' => ($mod ? '?' . $board['url'] . $config['file_index'] : $config['root'] . $board['uri'] . '/' . $config['file_index'])
return $body;
- @file_put_contents($board['dir'] . DIR_RES . sprintf(FILE_PAGE, $id), $body) or error("Couldn't write to file.");
+ @file_put_contents($board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . sprintf($config['file_page'], $id), $body) or error("Couldn't write to file.");
function generate_tripcode ( $name, $length = 10 ) {
+ global $config;
$name = stripslashes ( $name );
$t = explode('#', $name);
$nameo = $t[0];
@@ -730,7 +735,7 @@
$salt = strtr ( $salt, ':;<=>?@[\]^_`', 'ABCDEFGabcdef' );
if ( isset ( $t[2] ) ) {
// secure
- $trip = '!!' . substr ( crypt ( $trip, SECURE_TRIP_SALT ), ( -1 * $length ) );
+ $trip = '!!' . substr ( crypt ( $trip, $config['secure_trip_salt'] ), ( -1 * $length ) );
} else {
// insecure
$trip = '!' . substr ( crypt ( $trip, $salt ), ( -1 * $length ) );
@@ -865,25 +870,25 @@
case 'jpeg':
if(!$image = @imagecreatefromjpeg($source_pic)) {
+ error($config['error']['invalidimg']);
case 'png':
if(!$image = @imagecreatefrompng($source_pic)) {
+ error($config['error']['invalidimg']);
case 'gif':
if(!$image = @imagecreatefromgif($source_pic)) {
+ error($config['error']['invalidimg']);
case 'bmp':
if(!$image = @imagecreatefrombmp($source_pic)) {
+ error($config['error']['invalidimg']);
diff --git a/inc/instance-config.php b/inc/instance-config.php
index 88178f2c..864a956c 100644
--- a/inc/instance-config.php
+++ b/inc/instance-config.php
@@ -11,14 +11,41 @@
// Database stuff
- define('DB_TYPE', 'mysql');
- define('DB_SERVER', 'localhost');
- define('DB_USER', '');
- define('DB_PASSWORD', '');
- define('DB_DATABASE', '');
- define('ROOT', '/');
-// define('FOO', 'bar');
+ $config['db']['type'] = 'mysql';
+ $config['db']['server'] = 'localhost';
+ $config['db']['user'] = '';
+ $config['db']['password'] = '';
+ $config['db']['database'] = '';
+ $config['root'] = '/';
+ // The following looks ugly. I will find a better place to put this code soon.
+ $config['post_url'] = $config['root'] . 'post.php';
+ $config['url_match'] = '/^' .
+ (preg_match($config['url_regex'], $config['root']) ? '' :
+ (@$_SERVER['HTTPS']?'https':'http') .
+ ':\/\/'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) .
+ preg_quote($config['root'], '/') .
+ '(' .
+ str_replace('%s', '\w{1,8}', preg_quote($config['board_path'], '/')) .
+ '|' .
+ str_replace('%s', '\w{1,8}', preg_quote($config['board_path'], '/')) .
+ preg_quote($config['file_index'], '/') .
+ '|' .
+ str_replace('%s', '\w{1,8}', preg_quote($config['board_path'], '/')) .
+ str_replace('%d', '\d+', preg_quote($config['file_page'], '/')) .
+ '|' .
+ preg_quote($config['file_mod'], '/') .
+ '\?\/.+' .
+ ')$/i';
+ $config['dir']['static'] = $config['root'] . 'static/';
+ $config['image_sticky'] = $config['dir']['static'] . 'sticky.gif';
+ $config['image_locked'] = $config['dir']['static'] . 'locked.gif';
+ $config['image_deleted'] = $config['dir']['static'] . 'deleted.png';
+ $config['image_zip'] = $config['dir']['static'] . 'zip.png';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inc/template.php b/inc/template.php
index ff65c0c3..d8961167 100644
--- a/inc/template.php
+++ b/inc/template.php
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
// Standard configuration
// Folder where the template files are kept
- $templateDir = DIR_TEMPLATE;
+ $templateDir = $config['dir']['template'];
// Enable global things like %gentime, etc.
$templateGlobals = true;
diff --git a/inc/user.php b/inc/user.php
index 6470d2ff..021515a2 100644
--- a/inc/user.php
+++ b/inc/user.php
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
$mod = false;
// Set the session name.
- session_name(SESS_COOKIE);
+ session_name($config['cookies']['session']);
// Set session parameters
- session_set_cookie_params(0, JAIL_COOKIES?ROOT:'/');
+ session_set_cookie_params(0, $config['cookies']['jail']?$config['root']:'/');
// Start the session
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
// Session creation time
if(!isset($_SESSION['created'])) $_SESSION['created'] = time();
+ if(!isset($_COOKIE[$config['cookies']['hash']]) || !isset($_COOKIE[$config['cookies']['time']]) || $_COOKIE[$config['cookies']['hash']] != md5($_COOKIE[$config['cookies']['time']] . $config['cookies']['salt'])) {
$time = time();
- setcookie(TIME_COOKIE, $time, time()+COOKIE_EXPIRE, JAIL_COOKIES?ROOT:'/', null, false, true);
- setcookie(HASH_COOKIE, md5($time.SALT), $time+COOKIE_EXPIRE, JAIL_COOKIES?ROOT:'/', null, false, true);
+ setcookie($config['cookies']['time'], $time, time()+$config['cookies']['expire'], $config['cookies']['jail']?$config['root']:'/', null, false, true);
+ setcookie($config['cookies']['hash'], md5($time . $config['cookies']['salt']), $time+$config['cookies']['expire'], $config['cookies']['jail']?$config['root']:'/', null, false, true);
$user = Array('valid' => false, 'appeared' => $time);
} else {
- $user = Array('valid' => true, 'appeared' => $_COOKIE[TIME_COOKIE]);
+ $user = Array('valid' => true, 'appeared' => $_COOKIE[$config['cookies']['time']]);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod.php b/mod.php
index 12b730a0..40244b4a 100644
--- a/mod.php
+++ b/mod.php
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
str_replace('%s', '(\w{1,8})', preg_quote(BOARD_PATH, '/')),
- 'page' => str_replace('%d', '(\d+)', preg_quote(FILE_PAGE, '/')),
- 'img' => preg_quote(DIR_IMG, '/'),
- 'thumb' => preg_quote(DIR_THUMB, '/'),
- 'res' => preg_quote(DIR_RES, '/'),
- 'index' => preg_quote(FILE_INDEX, '/')
+ 'board' => str_replace('%s', '(\w{1,8})', preg_quote($config['board_path'], '/')),
+ 'page' => str_replace('%d', '(\d+)', preg_quote($config['file_page'], '/')),
+ 'img' => preg_quote($config['dir']['img'], '/'),
+ 'thumb' => preg_quote($config['dir']['thumb'], '/'),
+ 'res' => preg_quote($config['dir']['res'], '/'),
+ 'index' => preg_quote($config['file_index'], '/')
if(preg_match('/^\/?$/', $query)) {
@@ -81,10 +81,10 @@
// Boards
$fieldset['Boards'] .= ulBoards();
- if($mod['type'] >= MOD_VIEW_BANLIST) {
+ if($mod['type'] >= $config['mod']['view_banlist']) {
$fieldset['Administration'] .= '' .
@@ -145,26 +145,26 @@
' ' . $ban['reason'] . ' ' .
// Set
- '' . date(POST_DATE, $ban['set']) . ' ' .
+ '' . date($config['post_date'], $ban['set']) . ' ' .
// Expires
'' .
($ban['expires'] == 0 ?
- date(POST_DATE, $ban['expires'])
+ date($config['post_date'], $ban['expires'])
) .
' ' .
// Staff
'' .
- ($mod['type'] < MOD_VIEW_BANSTAFF ?
+ ($mod['type'] < $config['mod']['view_banstaff'] ?
+ ($config['mod']['view_banquestionmark'] ?
- ($ban['type'] == MOD_JANITOR ? 'Janitor' :
- ($ban['type'] == MOD_MOD ? 'Mod' :
- ($ban['type'] == MOD_ADMIN ? 'Admin' :
+ ($ban['type'] == JANITOR ? 'Janitor' :
+ ($ban['type'] == MOD ? 'Mod' :
+ ($ban['type'] == ADMIN ? 'Admin' :
@@ -181,14 +181,14 @@
echo Element('page.html', Array(
- 'index'=>ROOT,
+ 'index'=>$config['root'],
'title'=>'Ban list',
} elseif(preg_match('/^\/config$/', $query)) {
- if($mod['type'] < MOD_SHOW_CONFIG) error(ERROR_NOACCESS);
+ if($mod['type'] < $config['mod']['show_config']) error($config['error']['noaccess']);
// Show instance-config.php
@@ -240,14 +240,14 @@
$body = '';
echo Element('page.html', Array(
- 'index'=>ROOT,
+ 'index'=>$config['root'],
} elseif(preg_match('/^\/new$/', $query)) {
- if($mod['type'] < MOD_NEWBOARD) error(ERROR_NOACCESS);
+ if($mod['type'] < $config['mod']['newboard']) error($config['error']['noaccess']);
// New board
$body = '';
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
if( !isset($_POST['uri']) ||
!isset($_POST['title']) ||
+ ) error($config['error']['missedafield']);
$b = Array(
'uri' => $_POST['uri'],
@@ -267,24 +267,24 @@
// Check required fields
- error(sprintf(ERROR_REQUIRED, 'URI'));
+ error(sprintf($config['error']['required'], 'URI'));
- error(sprintf(ERROR_REQUIRED, 'title'));
+ error(sprintf($config['error']['required'], 'title'));
// Check string lengths
if(strlen($b['uri']) > 8)
- error(sprintf(ERROR_TOOLONG, 'URI'));
+ error(sprintf($config['error']['toolong'], 'URI'));
if(strlen($b['title']) > 20)
- error(sprintf(ERROR_TOOLONG, 'title'));
+ error(sprintf($config['error']['toolong'], 'title'));
if(strlen($b['subtitle']) > 40)
- error(sprintf(ERROR_TOOLONG, 'subtitle'));
+ error(sprintf($config['error']['toolong'], 'subtitle'));
if(!preg_match('/^\w+$/', $b['uri']))
- error(sprintf(ERROR_INVALIDFIELD, 'URI'));
+ error(sprintf($config['error']['invalidfield'], 'URI'));
if(openBoard($b['uri'])) {
- error(sprintf(ERROR_BOARDEXISTS, sprintf(BOARD_ABBREVIATION, $b['uri'])));
+ error(sprintf($config['error']['boardexists'], sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $b['uri'])));
$query = prepare("INSERT INTO `boards` VALUES (NULL, :uri, :title, :subtitle)");
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@
// TODO: Statistics, etc, in the dashboard.
echo Element('page.html', Array(
- 'index'=>ROOT,
+ 'index'=>$config['root'],
'title'=>'New board',
@@ -328,10 +328,10 @@
// Open board
+ error($config['error']['noboard']);
- if(!$page = index(empty($matches[2]) || $matches[2] == FILE_INDEX ? 1 : $matches[2], $mod)) {
- error(ERROR_404);
+ if(!$page = index(empty($matches[2]) || $matches[2] == $config['file_index'] ? 1 : $matches[2], $mod)) {
+ error($config['error']['404']);
$page['pages'] = getPages(true);
$page['mod'] = true;
@@ -344,20 +344,20 @@
$thread = $matches[2];
// Open board
+ error($config['error']['noboard']);
$page = buildThread($thread, true, $mod);
echo $page;
} elseif(preg_match('/^\/' . $regex['board'] . 'deletefile\/(\d+)$/', $query, $matches)) {
- if($mod['type'] < MOD_DELETEFILE) error(ERROR_NOACCESS);
+ if($mod['type'] < $config['mod']['deletefile']) error($config['error']['noaccess']);
// Delete file from post
$boardName = $matches[1];
$post = $matches[2];
// Open board
+ error($config['error']['noboard']);
// Delete post
@@ -371,18 +371,18 @@
// Redirect
- header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], true, REDIRECT_HTTP);
+ header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
- header('Location: ?/' . sprintf(BOARD_PATH, $boardName) . FILE_INDEX, true, REDIRECT_HTTP);
+ header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $boardName) . $config['file_index'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
} elseif(preg_match('/^\/' . $regex['board'] . 'delete\/(\d+)$/', $query, $matches)) {
- if($mod['type'] < MOD_DELETE) error(ERROR_NOACCESS);
+ if($mod['type'] < $config['mod']['delete']) error($config['error']['noaccess']);
// Delete post
$boardName = $matches[1];
$post = $matches[2];
// Open board
+ error($config['error']['noboard']);
// Delete post
@@ -395,18 +395,18 @@
// Redirect
- header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], true, REDIRECT_HTTP);
+ header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
- header('Location: ?/' . sprintf(BOARD_PATH, $boardName) . FILE_INDEX, true, REDIRECT_HTTP);
+ header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $boardName) . $config['file_index'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
} elseif(preg_match('/^\/' . $regex['board'] . '(un)?sticky\/(\d+)$/', $query, $matches)) {
- if($mod['type'] < MOD_STICKY) error(ERROR_NOACCESS);
+ if($mod['type'] < $config['mod']['sticky']) error($config['error']['noaccess']);
// Add/remove sticky
$boardName = $matches[1];
$post = $matches[3];
// Open board
+ error($config['error']['noboard']);
$query = prepare(sprintf("UPDATE `posts_%s` SET `sticky` = :sticky WHERE `id` = :id AND `thread` IS NULL", $board['uri']));
$query->bindValue(':id', $post, PDO::PARAM_INT);
@@ -429,18 +429,18 @@
// Redirect
- header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], true, REDIRECT_HTTP);
+ header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
- header('Location: ?/' . sprintf(BOARD_PATH, $boardName) . FILE_INDEX, true, REDIRECT_HTTP);
+ header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $boardName) . $config['file_index'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
} elseif(preg_match('/^\/' . $regex['board'] . '(un)?lock\/(\d+)$/', $query, $matches)) {
- if($mod['type'] < MOD_LOCK) error(ERROR_NOACCESS);
+ if($mod['type'] < $config['mod']['lock']) error($config['error']['noaccess']);
// Lock/Unlock
$boardName = $matches[1];
$post = $matches[3];
// Open board
+ error($config['error']['noboard']);
$query = prepare(sprintf("UPDATE `posts_%s` SET `locked` = :locked WHERE `id` = :id AND `thread` IS NULL", $board['uri']));
$query->bindValue(':id', $post, PDO::PARAM_INT);
@@ -463,9 +463,9 @@
// Redirect
- header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], true, REDIRECT_HTTP);
+ header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
- header('Location: ?/' . sprintf(BOARD_PATH, $boardName) . FILE_INDEX, true, REDIRECT_HTTP);
+ header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $boardName) . $config['file_index'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
} elseif(preg_match('/^\/' . $regex['board'] . 'deletebyip\/(\d+)$/', $query, $matches)) {
// Delete all posts by an IP
@@ -473,14 +473,14 @@
$post = $matches[2];
// Open board
+ error($config['error']['noboard']);
$query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT `ip` FROM `posts_%s` WHERE `id` = :id", $board['uri']));
$query->bindValue(':id', $post);
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
if(!$post = $query->fetch())
+ error($config['error']['invalidpost']);
$ip = $post['ip'];
@@ -492,16 +492,16 @@
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
if($query->rowCount() < 1)
+ error($config['error']['invalidpost']);
while($post = $query->fetch()) {
deletePost($post['id'], false);
- header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], true, REDIRECT_HTTP);
+ header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
- header('Location: ?/' . sprintf(BOARD_PATH, $boardName) . FILE_INDEX, true, REDIRECT_HTTP);
+ header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $boardName) . $config['file_index'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
} elseif(preg_match('/^\/ban$/', $query)) {
// Ban page
@@ -509,11 +509,11 @@
if( !isset($_POST['ip']) ||
!isset($_POST['reason']) ||
+ ) error($config['error']['missedafield']);
// Check required fields
- error(sprintf(ERROR_REQUIRED, 'IP address'));
+ error(sprintf($config['error']['required'], 'IP address'));
$query = prepare("INSERT INTO `bans` VALUES (:ip, :mod, :set, :expires, :reason)");
@@ -569,19 +569,19 @@
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
// Delete too
- if($mod['type'] >= MOD_DELETE && isset($_POST['delete']) && isset($_POST['board'])) {
+ if($mod['type'] >= $config['mod']['delete'] && isset($_POST['delete']) && isset($_POST['board'])) {
// Redirect
- header('Location: ' . $_POST['continue'], true, REDIRECT_HTTP);
+ header('Location: ' . $_POST['continue'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
- header('Location: ?/' . sprintf(BOARD_PATH, $boardName) . FILE_INDEX, true, REDIRECT_HTTP);
+ header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $boardName) . $config['file_index'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
} elseif(preg_match('/^\/' . $regex['board'] . 'ban(&delete)?\/(\d+)$/', $query, $matches)) {
- if($mod['type'] < MOD_DELETE) error(ERROR_NOACCESS);
+ if($mod['type'] < $config['mod']['delete']) error($config['error']['noaccess']);
// Ban by post
$boardName = $matches[1];
@@ -589,14 +589,14 @@
$post = $matches[3];
// Open board
+ error($config['error']['noboard']);
$query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT `ip`,`id` FROM `posts_%s` WHERE `id` = :id LIMIT 1", $board['uri']));
$query->bindValue(':id', $post, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
if($query->rowCount() < 1) {
+ error($config['error']['invalidpost']);
$post = $query->fetch();
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@
$body = form_newBan($post['ip'], null, isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : false, $delete ? $post['id'] : false, $delete ? $boardName : false);
echo Element('page.html', Array(
- 'index'=>ROOT,
+ 'index'=>$config['root'],
'title'=>'New ban',
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@
// View information on an IP address
$ip = $matches[1];
- $host = MOD_DNS_LOOKUP ? gethostbyaddr($ip) : false;
+ $host = $config['mod']['dns_lookup'] ? gethostbyaddr($ip) : false;
$body = '';
$boards = listBoards();
@@ -624,26 +624,26 @@
$temp = '';
$query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `posts_%s` WHERE `ip` = :ip ORDER BY `sticky` DESC, `time` DESC LIMIT :limit", $_board['uri']));
$query->bindValue(':ip', $ip);
- $query->bindValue(':limit', MOD_IP_RECENTPOSTS, PDO::PARAM_INT);
+ $query->bindValue(':limit', $config['mod']['ip_recentposts'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
while($post = $query->fetch()) {
- $po = new Post($post['id'], $post['thread'], $post['subject'], $post['email'], $post['name'], $post['trip'], $post['body'], $post['time'], $post['thumb'], $post['thumbwidth'], $post['thumbheight'], $post['file'], $post['filewidth'], $post['fileheight'], $post['filesize'], $post['filename'], $post['ip'], $mod ? '?/' : ROOT, $mod);
+ $po = new Post($post['id'], $post['thread'], $post['subject'], $post['email'], $post['name'], $post['trip'], $post['body'], $post['time'], $post['thumb'], $post['thumbwidth'], $post['thumbheight'], $post['file'], $post['filewidth'], $post['fileheight'], $post['filesize'], $post['filename'], $post['ip'], $mod ? '?/' : $config['root'], $mod);
$temp .= $po->build();
$body .= '';
+ if($config['mod']['ip_banform'])
$body .= form_newBan($ip, null, isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : false);
echo Element('page.html', Array(
- 'index'=>ROOT,
+ 'index'=>$config['root'],
'title'=>'IP: ' . $ip,
'subtitle' => $host,
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@
} else {
- error(ERROR_404);
+ error($config['error']['404']);
diff --git a/post.php b/post.php
index 38599222..431be0c0 100644
--- a/post.php
+++ b/post.php
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
$value) {
@@ -45,15 +45,15 @@
// Check if banned
- if(BLOCK_TOR && isTor())
- error(ERROR_TOR);
+ if($config['block_tor'] && isTor())
+ error($config['error']['tor']);
// Check if board exists
+ error($config['error']['noboard']);
+ error($config['error']['nodelete']);
foreach($delete as &$id) {
$query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT `password` FROM `posts_%s` WHERE `id` = :id", $board['uri']));
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
if($post = $query->fetch()) {
if(!empty($password) && $post['password'] != $password)
+ error($config['error']['invalidpassword']);
if(isset($_POST['file'])) {
// Delete just the file
@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@
$is_mod = isset($_POST['mod']) && $_POST['mod'];
- $root = $is_mod ? ROOT . FILE_MOD . '?/' : ROOT;
+ $root = $is_mod ? $config['root'] . $config['file_mod'] . '?/' : $config['root'];
- header('Location: ' . $root . $board['dir'] . FILE_INDEX, true, REDIRECT_HTTP);
+ header('Location: ' . $root . $board['dir'] . $config['file_index'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
} elseif(isset($_POST['post'])) {
if( !isset($_POST['name']) ||
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
!isset($_POST['body']) ||
!isset($_POST['board']) ||
- ) error(ERROR_BOT);
+ ) error($config['error']['bot']);
$post = Array('board' => $_POST['board']);
@@ -99,13 +99,13 @@
$post['thread'] = round($_POST['thread']);
} else $OP = true;
- //if(!(($OP && $_POST['post'] == BUTTON_NEWTOPIC) ||
- // (!$OP && $_POST['post'] == BUTTON_REPLY)))
- // error(ERROR_BOT);
+ if(!(($OP && $_POST['post'] == $config['button_newtopic']) ||
+ (!$OP && $_POST['post'] == $config['button_reply'])))
+ error($config['error']['bot']);
// Check the referrer
if($OP) {
- if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || !preg_match(URL_MATCH, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) error(ERROR_BOT);
+ if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || !preg_match($config['url_match'], $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) error($config['error']['bot']);
// TODO: Since we're now using static HTML files, we can't give them cookies on their first page view
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
// Check if he has a valid cookie.
- if(!$user['valid']) error(ERROR_BOT);
+ if(!$user['valid']) error($config['error']['bot']);
// Check how long he has been here.