diff --git a/inc/config.php b/inc/config.php
index e2cc2ebd..64ba301e 100644
--- a/inc/config.php
+++ b/inc/config.php
@@ -1046,10 +1046,11 @@
$config['error']['unknownext'] = _('Unknown file extension.');
$config['error']['filesize'] = _('Maximum file size: %maxsz% bytes
Your file\'s size: %filesz% bytes');
$config['error']['maxsize'] = _('The file was too big.');
- $config['error']['webmerror'] = _('There was a problem processing your webm.');
- $config['error']['invalidwebm'] = _('Invalid webm uploaded.');
- $config['error']['webmhasaudio'] = _('The uploaded webm contains an audio or another type of additional stream.');
- $config['error']['webmtoolong'] = _('The uploaded webm is longer than ' . $config['webm']['max_length'] . ' seconds.');
+ $config['error']['genwebmerror'] = _('There was a problem processing your webm.');
+ $config['error']['webmerror'] = _('There was a problem processing your webm.');//Is this error used anywhere ?
+ $config['error']['invalidwebm'] = _('Invalid webm uploaded.');
+ $config['error']['webmhasaudio'] = _('The uploaded webm contains an audio or another type of additional stream.');
+ $config['error']['webmtoolong'] = _('The uploaded webm is longer than ' . $config['webm']['max_length'] . ' seconds.');
$config['error']['fileexists'] = _('That file already exists!');
$config['error']['fileexistsinthread'] = _('That file already exists in this thread!');
$config['error']['delete_too_soon'] = _('You\'ll have to wait another %s before deleting that.');