tools/inc/lib/jsgettext/: remove unnecessary file

This commit is contained in:
czaks 2013-07-02 23:58:37 -04:00
parent f7d7981248
commit 8fd569ce1e
1 changed files with 0 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
function _(s) {
return typeof l10n[s] != 'undefined' ? l10n[s] : s;
function test(param) {
var a = _("Hello world, testing jsgettext");
func(_('Test string'));
var reg1 = /"[a-z]+"/i;
var reg2 = /[a-z]+\+\/"aa"/i;
var s1 = _('string 1: single quotes');
var s2 = _("string 2: double quotes");
var s3 = _("/* comment in string */");
var s4 = _("regexp in string: /[a-z]+/i");
var s5 = jsgettext( "another function" );
var s6 = avoidme("should not see me!");
var s7 = _("string 2: \"escaped double quotes\"");
var s8 = _('string 2: \'escaped single quotes\'');
// "string in comment"
* multiple
* lines
* comment
* _("Hello world from comment")