config = $config; $this->postFields = array( 'id' => 'no', 'thread' => 'resto', 'subject' => 'sub', 'body' => 'com', 'email' => 'email', 'name' => 'name', 'trip' => 'trip', 'capcode' => 'capcode', 'time' => 'time', 'omitted' => 'omitted_posts', 'omitted_images' => 'omitted_images', 'replies' => 'replies', 'images' => 'images', 'sticky' => 'sticky', 'locked' => 'locked', 'cycle' => 'cyclical', 'bump' => 'last_modified', 'embed' => 'embed', 'board' => 'board', ); $this->threadsPageFields = array( 'id' => 'no', 'bump' => 'last_modified', 'board' => 'board', ); $this->fileFields = array( 'file_id' => 'id', 'type' => 'mime', 'extension' => 'ext', 'height' => 'h', 'width' => 'w', 'size' => 'fsize', ); if (isset($config['api']['extra_fields']) && gettype($config['api']['extra_fields']) == 'array'){ $this->postFields = array_merge($this->postFields, $config['api']['extra_fields']); } } private static $ints = array( 'no' => 1, 'resto' => 1, 'time' => 1, 'tn_w' => 1, 'tn_h' => 1, 'w' => 1, 'h' => 1, 'fsize' => 1, 'omitted_posts' => 1, 'omitted_images' => 1, 'replies' => 1, 'images' => 1, 'sticky' => 1, 'locked' => 1, 'last_modified' => 1 ); private function translateFields($fields, $object, &$apiPost) { foreach ($fields as $local => $translated) { if (!isset($object->$local)) continue; $toInt = isset(self::$ints[$translated]); $val = $object->$local; if ($val !== null && $val !== '') { $apiPost[$translated] = $toInt ? (int) $val : $val; } } } private function translateFile($file, $post, &$apiPost) { global $config; $this->translateFields($this->fileFields, $file, $apiPost); $apiPost['filename'] = @substr($file->name, 0, strrpos($file->name, '.')); if (isset ($file->thumb) && $file->thumb) { $apiPost['spoiler'] = $file->thumb === 'spoiler'; } if (isset ($file->hash) && $file->hash) { $apiPost['md5'] = base64_encode(hex2bin($file->hash)); } else if (isset ($post->filehash) && $post->filehash) { $apiPost['md5'] = base64_encode(hex2bin($post->filehash)); } $apiPost['file_path'] = $config['uri_img'] . $file->file; // Pick the correct thumbnail if (isset($file->thumb) && $file->thumb === 'spoiler') { // Spoiler $apiPost['thumb_path'] = $config['root'] . $config['spoiler_image']; } else if (!isset($file->thumb) || $file->thumb === 'file') { // Default file format image $thumbFile = $config['file_icons']['default']; if (isset($file->extension) && isset($config['file_icons'][$file->extension])) { $thumbFile = $config['file_icons'][$file->extension]; } $apiPost['thumb_path'] = $config['root'] . sprintf($config['file_thumb'], $thumbFile); } else { // The file's own thumbnail $apiPost['thumb_path'] = $config['uri_thumb'] . $file->thumb; } } function translatePost($post, $threadsPage = false) { global $config, $board; $apiPost = array(); $fields = $threadsPage ? $this->threadsPageFields : $this->postFields; $this->translateFields($fields, $post, $apiPost); if (isset($config['poster_ids']) && $config['poster_ids']) $apiPost['id'] = poster_id($post->ip, $post->thread, $board['uri']); if ($threadsPage) return $apiPost; // Load board info if (isset($post->board)) { openBoard($post->board); } // Handle special fields if (isset($post->body_nomarkup) && ($this->config['country_flags'] || $this->config['user_flag'])) { $modifiers = extract_modifiers($post->body_nomarkup); if (isset($modifiers['flag']) && isset($modifiers['flag alt']) && preg_match('/^[1-9a-z_-]{2,}$/', $modifiers['flag'])) { $country = strtolower($modifiers['flag']); if ($country) { $apiPost['country'] = $country; $apiPost['country_name'] = $modifiers['flag alt']; } } if (isset($modifiers['warning message'])) { $apiPost['warning_msg'] = $modifiers['warning message']; } if (isset($modifiers['ban message'])) { $apiPost['ban_msg'] = $modifiers['ban message']; } } if ($config['slugify'] && !$post->thread) { $apiPost['semantic_url'] = $post->slug; } // Handle files if (isset($post->files) && $post->files && !$threadsPage) { $apiPost['files'] = []; foreach ($post->files as $f) { $file = array(); $this->translateFile($f, $post, $file); $apiPost['files'][] = $file; } } return $apiPost; } function translateThread(Thread $thread, $threadsPage = false) { $apiPosts = array(); $op = $this->translatePost($thread, $threadsPage); if (!$threadsPage) $op['resto'] = 0; $apiPosts['posts'][] = $op; foreach ($thread->posts as $p) { $apiPosts['posts'][] = $this->translatePost($p, $threadsPage); } // Count unique IPs $ips = array($thread->ip); foreach ($thread->posts as $p) { $ips[] = $p->ip; } $apiPosts['posts'][0]['unique_ips'] = count(array_unique($ips)); return $apiPosts; } function translatePage(array $threads) { $apiPage = array(); foreach ($threads as $thread) { $apiPage['threads'][] = $this->translateThread($thread); } return $apiPage; } function translateCatalogPage(array $threads, $threadsPage = false) { $apiPage = array(); foreach ($threads as $thread) { $ts = $this->translateThread($thread, $threadsPage); $apiPage['threads'][] = current($ts['posts']); } return $apiPage; } function translateCatalog($catalog, $threadsPage = false) { $apiCatalog = array(); foreach ($catalog as $page => $threads) { $apiPage = $this->translateCatalogPage($threads, $threadsPage); $apiPage['page'] = $page; $apiCatalog[] = $apiPage; } return $apiCatalog; } }