false, 'cache' => is_writable('templates') || (is_dir('templates/cache') && is_writable('templates/cache')) ? "{$config['dir']['template']}/cache" : false, 'debug' => $config['debug'] )); // Add extensions (if they are still compatible with Twig 1.x) $twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extensions_Extension_Tinyboard()); $twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extensions_Extension_I18n()); } function Element($templateFile, array $options) { global $config, $debug, $twig, $build_pages; if (!$twig) load_twig(); if (function_exists('create_pm_header') && ((isset($options['mod']) && $options['mod']) || isset($options['__mod'])) && !preg_match('!^mod/!', $templateFile)) { $options['pm'] = create_pm_header(); } if (isset($options['body']) && $config['debug']) { $_debug = $debug; if (isset($debug['start'])) { $_debug['time']['total'] = '~' . round((microtime(true) - $_debug['start']) * 1000, 2) . 'ms'; $_debug['time']['init'] = '~' . round(($_debug['start_debug'] - $_debug['start']) * 1000, 2) . 'ms'; unset($_debug['start']); unset($_debug['start_debug']); } if ($config['try_smarter'] && isset($build_pages) && !empty($build_pages)) $_debug['build_pages'] = $build_pages; $_debug['included'] = get_included_files(); $_debug['memory'] = round(memory_get_usage(true) / (1024 * 1024), 2) . ' MiB'; $_debug['time']['db_queries'] = '~' . round($_debug['time']['db_queries'] * 1000, 2) . 'ms'; $_debug['time']['exec'] = '~' . round($_debug['time']['exec'] * 1000, 2) . 'ms'; $options['body'] .= '
' . str_replace("\n", ''; } // Read the template file if (@file_get_contents("{$config['dir']['template']}/${templateFile}")) { $body = $twig->render($templateFile, $options); if ($config['minify_html'] && preg_match('/\.html$/', $templateFile)) { $body = trim(preg_replace("/[\t\r\n]/", '', $body)); } return $body; } else { throw new Exception("Template file '${templateFile}' does not exist or is empty in '{$config['dir']['template']}'!"); } }
', utf8tohtml(print_r($_debug, true))) . '