/** * @file Thread auto updater. * @author jonsmy */ $().ready(() => { const kIsEnabled = LCNToggleSetting.build("enabled") //const kIsBellEnabled = LCNToggleSetting.build("bellEnabled") void LCNSettingsSubcategory.for("general", "threadUpdater") .setLabel("Thread Updater") .addSetting(kIsEnabled .setLabel(_("Fetch new replies in the background")) .setDefaultValue(true)); /*.addSetting(kIsBellEnabled .setLabel(_("Play an audible chime when new replies are found")) .setDefaultValue(false))*/; if (LCNSite.INSTANCE.isThreadPage()) { console.log("LCNSite.INSTANCE.isThreadPage() is true"); let threadUpdateStatus = null let secondsCounter = 0 let threadState = null let threadStats = null let statReplies = null let statFiles = null let statPage = null let statUniqueIPs = null const parser = new DOMParser() const abortable = LCNSite.createAbortable() const threadStatsItems = [] const updateDOMStatus = () => { const text = threadState || (secondsCounter >= 0 ? `${secondsCounter}s` : "…") threadUpdateStatus.innerText = text } const updateSecondsByTSLP = post_info => { secondsCounter = Math.floor(((Date.now() - post_info.getCreatedAt().getTime()) / 120000)) secondsCounter = secondsCounter > 1000 ? 1000 : secondsCounter secondsCounter = secondsCounter < 11 ? 11 : secondsCounter } const updateStatsFn = async thread => { // XXX: Using /%b/%d.json would be better however the page number isn't provided. const res = await fetch(`/${thread.getContent().getInfo().getBoardId()}/threads.json`, { "signal": abortable.signal }) if (res.ok) { const stats = LCNSite.getThreadFromPages(await res.json(), thread.getContent().getInfo().getThreadId()) if (stats != null) { threadStats = stats } else { threadState = String(res.status) } } else { throw new Error(`Server responded with non-OK status '${res.status}'`) } } const findMissingReplies = (thread_op, thread_dom, thread_latest) => { const lastPostTs = (cont(thread_dom.at(-1), x => x.getInfo()) || thread_op).getCreatedAt().getTime() const missing = [] for (const pc of thread_latest.reverse()) { if (pc.getContent().getInfo().getCreatedAt().getTime() > lastPostTs) { missing.unshift(pc) } else { break } } return missing } const updateRepliesFn = (thread, missingPCList) => { if (missingPCList.length) { const documentPCList = [ thread.getContent(), ...(thread.getReplies()).map(p => p.getParent()) ] for (const pc of missingPCList) { documentPCList.at(-1).getElement().after(pc.getElement()) documentPCList.push(pc) } for (const pc of missingPCList) { $(document).trigger("new_post", [ pc.getContent().getElement() ]) } LCNSite.INSTANCE.setUnseen(LCNSite.INSTANCE.getUnseen() + missingPCList.length) } } const updateThreadFn = async (thread, dom) => { const threadPost = thread.getContent() const threadReplies = thread.getReplies() const missingPCList = findMissingReplies( threadPost, threadReplies, LCNPostContainer.all(dom.querySelector(`#thread_${threadPost.getInfo().getThreadId()}`))) updateRepliesFn(thread, missingPCList) } const fetchThreadFn = async () => { const res = await fetch(location.href, { "signal": abortable.signal }) if (res.ok) { return parser.parseFromString(await res.text(), "text/html") } else { if (res.status == 404) { threadState = String(res.status) } throw new Error(`Server responded with non-OK status '${res.status}'`) } } const onTickClean = () => { if (onTickId != null) { clearTimeout(onTickId) onTickId = null } abortable.abort() } let onTickId = null const onTickFn = async () => { console.log("tick function"); void secondsCounter--; console.log(secondsCounter); onTickClean() updateDOMStatus() console.log("tick function2"); if (threadState == null) { console.log("tick function3"); console.log(secondsCounter); if (secondsCounter < 0) { console.log("tick function3.5"); const thread = LCNThread.first() console.log("tick function4"); try { await updateStatsFn(thread) if (threadState == null && threadStats.last_modified > (thread.getReplies().at(-1).getInfo().getCreatedAt().getTime() / 1000)) { updateThreadFn(thread, await fetchThreadFn()) } console.log("tick function5"); const threadEl = thread.getElement() statUniqueIPs.innerText = threadStats.unique_ips statReplies.innerText = thread.getReplies().length statFiles.innerText = threadEl.querySelectorAll(".files .file").length - threadEl.querySelectorAll(".files .file .post-image.deleted").length statPage.innerText = threadStats.page + 1 updateSecondsByTSLP(thread.getReplies().at(-1).getInfo()) console.log("tick function6"); } catch (error) { console.error("threadAutoUpdater: Failed while processing update. Probably a network error", error) secondsCounter = 60 } } //onTickId = setTimeout(onTickFn, 1000) } console.log("bottom of tick function"); } $(document).on("ajax_after_post", (_, xhr_body) => { if (kIsEnabled.getValue() && xhr_body != null) { if (!xhr_body.mod) { const thread = LCNThread.first() const dom = parser.parseFromString(xhr_body.thread, "text/html") updateThreadFn(thread, dom) updateSecondsByTSLP(thread.getReplies().at(-1).getInfo()) } else { $(document).trigger("thread_manual_refresh") } } }) $(document).on("thread_manual_refresh", () => { if (kIsEnabled.getValue() && secondsCounter >= 0) { secondsCounter = 0 console.log("thread_manual_refresh handler"); onTickFn() } }) let floaterLinkBox = null const onStateChangeFn = v => { console.log("onStateChangeFn"); onTickClean() if (v) { console.log("v is true"); _domsetup_btn: { const container = LCNSite.INSTANCE.getFloaterLContainer() floaterLinkBox = document.createElement("span") const threadlink = document.createElement("span") const threadUpdateLink = document.createElement("a") threadUpdateStatus = document.createElement("span") threadUpdateStatus.id = "thread-update-status" threadUpdateStatus.innerText = "…" threadUpdateLink.addEventListener("click", e => { e.preventDefault() $(document).trigger("thread_manual_refresh") }) threadUpdateLink.href = "#" threadUpdateLink.appendChild(new Text("Refresh: ")) threadUpdateLink.appendChild(threadUpdateStatus) threadlink.classList.add("threadlink") threadlink.appendChild(threadUpdateLink) floaterLinkBox.classList.add("threadlinks") floaterLinkBox.appendChild(threadlink) container.appendChild(floaterLinkBox) } _domsetup_stats: { const container = LCNSite.INSTANCE.getThreadStatsRContainer() const span1 = document.createElement("span") const span2 = document.createElement("span") const span3 = document.createElement("span") statUniqueIPs = document.getElementById("lcn-uniqueips") statReplies = document.createElement("span") statFiles = document.createElement("span") statPage = document.createElement("span") statReplies.id = "lcn_replies_n" statReplies.innerText = "…" statFiles.id = "lcn_files_n" statReplies.innerText = "…" statPage.id = "lcn_page_n" statPage.innerText = "…" span1.appendChild(new Text("Replies: ")) span1.appendChild(statReplies) span2.appendChild(new Text("Files: ")) span2.appendChild(statFiles) span3.appendChild(new Text("Page: ")) span3.appendChild(statPage) for (const span of [ span1, span2, span3 ]) { threadStatsItems.push(span) container.appendChild(span) } } console.log("thread_manual_refresh trigger"); $(document).trigger("thread_manual_refresh") } else { console.log("v is false"); cont(floaterLinkBox, x => x.remove()) floaterLinkBox = null statReplies = null statFiles = null statPage = null while (threadStatsItems.length) { threadStatsItems.shift().remove() } } } kIsEnabled.onChange(onStateChangeFn) onStateChangeFn(kIsEnabled.getValue()) console.log("Bottom of if block"); } })