// author: joakimoa // keyboard navigation option // v1.1 // adding checkbox for turning on/off if (window.Options && Options.get_tab('general')) { Options.extend_tab("general", "
"); } $('.keyboardnav').on('change', function(){ var setting = $(this).attr('id'); console.log("changed keyboardnav"); localStorage[setting] = $(this).children('input').is(':checked'); }); if (!localStorage.keyboardnav) { localStorage.keyboardnav = 'false'; } if (!localStorage["next.reply.key"]) { localStorage["next.reply.key"] = 74; } if (!localStorage["previous.reply.key"]) { localStorage["previous.reply.key"] = 75; } if (!localStorage["expando.key"]) { localStorage["expando.key"] = 69; } // getting locally stored setting function getSetting(key) { return (localStorage[key] == 'true'); } function isKeySet(key) { return (localStorage[key] !== false); } var nextReplyInput = document.getElementsByName("next-reply")[0]; var previousReplyInput = document.getElementsByName("previous-reply")[0]; var expandoInput = document.getElementsByName("expando")[0]; var nextReplyKeycode = 74; var previousReplyKeycode = 75; var expandoKeycode = 69; if (getSetting('keyboardnav')) $('#keyboardnav>input').prop('checked', 'checked'); if (isKeySet('next.reply.key')) { nextReplyKeycode = localStorage["next.reply.key"]; nextReplyInput.value = nextReplyKeycode; } // need to add so it loads the settings if there are any, to both the vars and to the text fields if (isKeySet('previous.reply.key')) { previousReplyKeycode = localStorage["previous.reply.key"]; previousReplyInput.value = previousReplyKeycode; } if (isKeySet('expando.key')) { expandoKeycode = localStorage["expando.key"]; expandoInput.value = expandoKeycode; } document.getElementsByName("next-reply")[0].value = String.fromCharCode(nextReplyKeycode); document.getElementsByName("previous-reply")[0].value = String.fromCharCode(previousReplyKeycode); document.getElementsByName("expando")[0].value = String.fromCharCode(expandoKeycode); nextReplyInput.addEventListener("keyup", changeNextReplyKey, false); previousReplyInput.addEventListener("keyup", changePreviousReplyKey, false); expandoInput.addEventListener("keyup", changeExpandoKey, false); function changeNextReplyKey(e) { //console.log(String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode)); nextReplyInput.value = ""; if (e.keyCode >= 65 && e.keyCode <= 90) { nextReplyInput.value = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); localStorage["next.reply.key"] = e.keyCode; } } function changePreviousReplyKey(e) { //console.log(String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode)); previousReplyInput.value = ""; if (e.keyCode >= 65 && e.keyCode <= 90) { previousReplyInput.value = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); localStorage["previous.reply.key"] = e.keyCode; } } function changeExpandoKey(e) { //console.log(String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode)); expandoInput.value = ""; if (e.keyCode >= 65 && e.keyCode <= 90) { expandoInput.value = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); localStorage["expando.key"] = e.keyCode; } } // loads the main function function loadKeyboardNav() { // get arr and nav var files = document.getElementsByClassName("file multifile"); var current_file = null; var default_color = "black"; default_color = window.getComputedStyle(files[0], null).getPropertyValue("background-color"); var k = -1; function scrollDown() { if (k < files.length) { k++; scrollTo(files[k]); } } function scrollUp() { if (k > 0) { k--; scrollTo(files[k]); } } function scrollTo(e) { if (current_file !== null) { current_file.style.backgroundColor = default_color; } current_file = e; e.scrollIntoView(); e.style.backgroundColor = "#1D1D21"; } function expandFile() { files[k].getElementsByClassName("post-image")[0].click(); } // input window.addEventListener("keydown", checkKeyPressed, false); function checkKeyPressed(e) { if (e.keyCode == nextReplyKeycode) { scrollDown(); } else if (e.keyCode == previousReplyKeycode) { scrollUp(); } else if (e.keyCode == expandoKeycode && k > -1) { expandFile(); } } } // loads main function if checkbox toggled and in a thread if (getSetting('keyboardnav') && document.getElementsByClassName("thread").length === 1) { loadKeyboardNav(); }